Diseño de un manual de puestos para el Comité Ejecutivo del SUTSET Sección 16

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Yhadira Huicab-García
Edith del Carmen Zetina-Bautista
Raziel Esau Coop-Abreu


This work was carried out in Section 16 of the Unique Union of Workers at the Service of the State of Tabasco, where a manual of positions is designed for the Executive Committee, in order to standardize the functions to be developed by each position and to provide staff with the profile for the functions that are developed. The objective is to design a job profile manual to generate the appropriate conditions in the areas of competence, responsibilities and specific functions that aim at an efficient administration and guarantee the performance of the public servants that make up the Municipal Executive Committee of Balancán, Tabasco. The research is qualitative, as primary sources are direct observation and interview through questionnaires, the method used is the mechanistic. Likewise, this project is directly related to the functioning of daily administrative activities, due to the fact that they house important sources of information; its proper functioning supports administrative improvement, which provides that these could show absolute regularity giving a transparent administrative perspective.


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How to Cite
Huicab-García, Y., Zetina-Bautista, E., & Coop-Abreu, R. (2021). Diseño de un manual de puestos para el Comité Ejecutivo del SUTSET Sección 16. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(6-1), 288-297. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2021.6-1.890
IV Coloquio de Investigación Estudiantil ITSE - Administración
Author Biographies

Yhadira Huicab-García, Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus de los Ríos - México


Leader of the Academic Body in Consolidation ITESLR-CA2 "Socioeconomic Administrative Sciences", Candidate of the National System of Researchers, Member of the State System of Researchers of Tabasco, Appointment since 2015 as Professor with a desirable profile, Consultant and Advisor of the CIIE ITS de los Ríos , Research Professor at the ITSR (17 years), Work experience in private initiative (9 years)

Edith del Carmen Zetina-Bautista, Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus de los Ríos - México


Student of the ninth semester of Bachelor of Administration in semi-schooled modality.

Raziel Esau Coop-Abreu, Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus de los Ríos - México



Member of the Academic Body in Consolidation ITESLR-CA2 "Socioeconomic Administrative Sciences", Member of the State System of Researchers of Tabasco, Appointment since 2015 as Professor with a desirable profile, Consultant and Advisor of the CIIE ITS de los Ríos, Research Professor of the ITSR (11 years).


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