Burnout and engagement in university students of industrial engineering, Manabí, Ecuador

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José Manuel Avellán-Pérez
Víctor Ernesto Márquez-Pérez
Grether Lucía Real-Pérez


University students, with the arrival of the Covid 19 pandemic, have had to assume different study modalities, which without having the appropriate conditions become factors that generate stress. The objective of this work was to measure burnout (syndrome of being burned out) and its engagement (commitment or way of facing burnout or stressful situations) in students of a university in Ecuador. The sample was 412 students. To measure burnout, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) questionnaire was applied, responding to a Likert scale from 0 never implied to 6 always, evaluating its three dimensions (Academic Self-efficacy, Emotional Exhaustion and Cynicism) as low, medium, and high. To assess engagement, the Academic Engagement Questionnaire (UWES-S) was used, with three dimensions (vigor, dedication, and absorption) using the same rating scale as burnout. The study begins with the characterization of the students, considering, on the one hand, the sociodemographic variables: gender, age, work, children, area in which they live and marital status and, on the other, the assessment of the study conditions. The chi square test was used to search for relationships between the sociodemographic and study variables, concluding that gender affects absorption engagement (8.238 chi square, p 0.016) and predominant engagement (9.724 chi square, p 0.008); however, age had a direct impact on academic self-efficacy (chi square 9,633, p 0.047). The analyzes of

the rest of the sociodemographic variables and study conditions did not show statistically significant differences. The study allows us to conclude that women present higher levels of absorption and predominant engagement in relation to men, and that younger students between 18 and 23 years of age are the ones with the lowest academic self-efficacy.


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How to Cite
Avellán-Pérez, J. ., Márquez-Pérez, V. ., & Real-Pérez, G. (2022). Burnout and engagement in university students of industrial engineering, Manabí, Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(1), 63-74. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.1.821
Author Biographies

José Manuel Avellán-Pérez, Universidad Técnica de Manabí-Ecuador


Electronic Engineer specializing in Electronic Equipment and Components, Graduated in 1993 from the José Antonio Echeverría University Institute, Havana, Cuba.

Postgraduate student of the master's degree in Research in Statistics, mention in Applied Statistics, UTM. Since May 2019

Víctor Ernesto Márquez-Pérez, Universidad Técnica de Manabí-Ecuador


Undergraduate academic training is a systems engineer graduated from the Universidad de los Andes Venezuela (1999); Postgraduate degrees are Master of Science in Applied Statistics (2005) and Doctor of Statistics (2012) from the Universidad de los Andes and Universidad Central de Venezuela respectively. Regarding the teaching experience, I have been a professor at the Universidad Nacional Experimental Sur del Lago (2000 - 2008); University of the Andes (2008-2015); Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (2016 - 2017) and I am currently an appointment professor at the Technical University of Manabí since 2018; thus accumulating approximately 20 years of teaching experience. Regarding my research experience, I have published approximately 15 scientific articles in indexed journals in the area of ​​Social Indices, Multivariate Analysis and Experiment Design. I have directed approximately 9 undergraduate theses. Collaborate as a researcher in the Economic perception project in the ULA-Central Bank of Venezuela agreement. I am currently working on a research project on the design of socioeconomic indices for Ecuadorian families. Equity and Social Welfare Study

Grether Lucía Real-Pérez, Universidad Técnica de Manabí-Ecuador


Doctor in Technical Sciences, Master in Business Administration with a Mention in Production and Service Management, Cuba and Master in Occupational Risk Prevention, UNIR, Spain. Industrial engineering.

Professor of the Industrial Engineering career Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry of the Technical University of Manabí, UTM, Ecuador.

He has published 6 books and more than 30 articles, related to the field of Occupational Risk Prevention, Human Factor Engineering, Ergonomics and Managerial Decision Making. In his latest work, he addresses the problem of the Challenge of Humanizing Work and the Tools that allow the study of labor well-being.

She is the coordinator of the Productivity, Safety, Health and Environment research group (PSSA), which belongs to the UTM


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