Application of advanced tools for financial analysis of cooperatives JEP and Jardin Azuayo

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Fanny Jiménez
Kleber Luna
Juan Erazo


 Financial analysis in Ecuador's traditional economy is not entirely effective, due to its own nature and imprecise, since it generates uncertain data that leads to deficient projected results, affecting the stability of entities over time. The objective of this research is based on the application of highly competitive and reliable advanced tools, starting from the theory of fuzzy logic applied to the financial field, which allows converting the traditional static balances of the cooperatives Juventud Ecuatoriana Progresista and Jardin Azuayo into dynamic pension balances; for which a model called fuzzy automation is incorporated, in which the theory of the fuzzy subsets is developed, technique that incorporates the uncertainty and subjectivity for the analysis of the accounting information, the tools used in the process of dynamization start from the opinion given by the experts, using the techniques of the expertizaje and counter-expertizaje, converting the patrimonial masses in intervals of confidence that capture and reduce drastically the uncertainty, generating value for the entity and efficiency in the taking of decisions. By applying the main financial ratios using blurred mathematics, an accounting model is proposed for administrative decision making that facilitates entities to maintain themselves in a world of continuous change, providing prediction in the results of working capital, solvency and profit indicators, in which it is estimated that each of the cooperatives must adopt transcendental and sustainable changes that strengthen its structure in the future.


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How to Cite
Jiménez, F., Luna, K., & Erazo, J. (2019). Application of advanced tools for financial analysis of cooperatives JEP and Jardin Azuayo. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 4(1), 48-62.


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