Requirements for the implementation of process management in the urban transportation sector in Portoviejo

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Gema Evelyn Burbano-Carrera
Vicente Fabricio Alvarez-Tituano


The micro, small and medium enterprises (MiPymes) that currently exist in Ecuador, are a fundamental part for the growth of production, the generation of jobs, innovation and the productive dynamism of the country. On the other hand, the urban transportation sector according to the International Standard Classification (ISIC) is part of the H sector referring to transportation and storage, becoming a fundamental service for the development of the city of Buenos Aires. It should be added that to provide a quality service requires a timely adaptation to the changes generated in the 21st century by technological advances, for this reason the search for new methods is essential, as is the case of a management approach by processes that allow generating continuous improvements in its organizational management, contributing to the achievement of the objectives and proposed plans. That is why the present research aims to describe the necessary requirements for the implementation of a process management model in SMEs in the urban transportation sector of Portoviejo. Therefore, by establishing a process management model, continuous improvement will be achieved in each of the processes carried out in the transportation industry.


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How to Cite
Burbano-Carrera, G., & Alvarez-Tituano, V. (2021). Requirements for the implementation of process management in the urban transportation sector in Portoviejo. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(5), 322-332.
Author Biographies

Gema Evelyn Burbano-Carrera, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador sede Manabí



Engineer in Finance and Commercial Relations, Master in Business Administration, mention in Quality Management and Productivity.

Vicente Fabricio Alvarez-Tituano, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador sede Manabí


Engineer in Foreign Trade, Master in Business Administration, Higher Diploma in Marketing, Doctorate in Social Sciences, mention in Management, 14 years of teaching experience in Undergraduate and Postgraduate degrees, Professor, Tutor of Degree, Advisor on Trade, Customs and Entrepreneurship Issues, Teacher Graduate of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Manabí Headquarters, Portoviejo, Ecuador.

Currently Executive Director of CSP-PUCEM


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