The constitutionalization of private law
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The constitutionalization of private law is a subject whose analysis is of great importance for modern legal doctrine. At present, there is an increasingly weakening trend of iuspositivism, originated from the neoconstitutional theory that supports the process of constitutionalization of current law. Which to a certain extent could distance us from “effective constitutionalization”, by wanting to find the solution to all issues in the Constitution, ignoring the rest of the legal system and rules. Reason why, in this article, the benefits of constitutionalizing vs. deconstitutionalizing are addressed as the main points of discussion; the risks, pros and cons of the constitutionalization of private law, as well as the description of the process of constitutionalization of private law. The methodology used was qualitative when a theoretical analysis was carried out on the subject under study and the bibliography related to the subject was consulted, in order to achieve a greater understanding of the subject and the interpretation of the different concepts used.
Key words: constitutionalization, private law, iuspositivism, neoconstitutionalism.
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