Engagement of emotional advertising in times of pandemic. Movistar Ecuador case

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Kevin Sebastian Andrade Zotamba
Ariana Peralta-Guanuche
Ana Moscoso-Parra


In times of pandemic, the key to success in advertising lies in finding the balance of combining the emotional and rational parts, however, due to the high level of saturation in the market with respect to advertising content, emotions must undoubtedly be in the center of the relationship with brands. This work analyzes two advertising messages of the Movistar Ecuador brand in social networks, an emotional advertising and a rational one, in order to identify which, one generates greater engagement in the current context. The research is qualitative and observational based on a matrix that considers the study of three categories (communication strategy, multimedia and interaction) and their variables. From the results it is highlighted that emotional advertising, in addition to generating a higher level of commitment, contributes to the creation of a positive feeling towards the brand; that its effectiveness is conditioned by the knowledge of consumer needs and the benefits of the product, and that the Facebook social platform is a strategic channel of interaction for brands with products or services for mass consumption.


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How to Cite
Andrade-Zotamba, K. ., Peralta-Guanuche, A., & Moscoso-Parra, A. (2021). Engagement of emotional advertising in times of pandemic. Movistar Ecuador case. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(3), 368-381. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2021.3.590
Author Biographies

Kevin Sebastian Andrade Zotamba, a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:31:"Universidad Técnica de Machala";}


I am Kevin Andrade, student of the Marketing Career at the Technical University of Machala, I am currently studying to obtain my 3rd level degree, I have participated in courses, workshops, conferences related to my career, I have also collaborated in artistic events as well as in Marketing projects, which have earned me recognition at the academic level. 

Ariana Peralta-Guanuche, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I'm Ariana Peralta, a student at the 

Marketing career in the 

Technical University of Machala, 

I am currently studying to obtain my 3rd level degree, he participates in courses, workshops, conferences and trainings related to my career, I have also excelled in the execution of marketing projects, which have earned me academic recognition. 

Ana Moscoso-Parra, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Professor-researcher at the Technical University of Machala, Member of the COMARK research group. Graduated in Graphic Design, Master in Management of Business and Institutional Communication, Diploma in Marketing and Social Networks, Certification of Trainer of Trainers, certified Community Manager. Experience in university teaching since 2009 in chairs of Advertising, Digital Marketing, Relationship Marketing and Media Strategies. 


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