Characterization of work stress and its impact on productivity in a maquiladora industry in Reynosa Tamaulipas

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Mario Alberto Morales-Rodríguez
José Luis Ronquillo-Horsten


The present investigation reveals the correlation that exists between work stress and the interaction with worker productivity in their daily work activities such as the assembly of the product, which is necessary for the company, where the subject functions as the central axis for the Compliance with the productivity goals of the organization, the performance of the workers will depend on their behavior and also on the comfort when performing the work. The Occupational Stress Instrument, which is designed to measure the level of stress at work, which consists of 25 questions to identify the main conditions that influence the emergence of occupational stress, was applied in the facilities of a transnational maquiladora company dedicated to the production of accumulators, in the city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas during 2020. The research subjects were randomly selected. The research design was carried out under the quantitative approach and based on the state of the art of the instrument already mentioned in the previous paragraph whose objective is to collect information, with a non-experimental and cross-sectional design. In addition, it had a causal-correlational design to test the hypotheses. The statistical analysis carried out shows statistically significant differences in the percentage of general effectiveness between employees with high stress and those who show zero or low levels of stress (p <0.05), thus showing that productivity depends on the level of stress at which they are involved for their job duties.


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How to Cite
Morales-Rodríguez, M., & Ronquillo-Horsten, J. (2021). Characterization of work stress and its impact on productivity in a maquiladora industry in Reynosa Tamaulipas. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(2), 183-192.
Author Biographies

Mario Alberto Morales-Rodríguez, Unidad Académica Multidisciplinaria Reynosa Aztlán de la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas - México

Full-time Professor in the Industrial Engineering Educational Program (PEII) of the Reynosa Aztlán Multidisciplinary Academic Unit (UAMRA) of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas (UAT), Computer Systems Engineer from the Technological Institute of Cd. Madero (ITCM), with a Master's Degree in Industrial Administration from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL), a Master's Degree in Teaching from the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas UAT in the process of completing the Doctorate in Projects from the International Ibero-American University (UNINI). Professor with Certification of the Program for Teacher Professional Development (PRODEP) of the SEP. Leader of the Disciplinary Group "Continuous Improvement of Productive Processes" that attends the Lines of Generation and Application of Knowledge on "Systems of Productive, Intelligent and Sustainable Processes." Coordinator of the PEII from 2015 to date, with the distinction of PRODEP from 2018 to date.

José Luis Ronquillo-Horsten, Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana - México

PhD in Occupational Health Sciences. master's
degree in Administration (MBA), and Specialty
in Clinical Psychology. Degree in Psychology
from UNAM, Diploma in Human Resources,
Diploma in Interactive Pedagogy.
He has held executive positions in the
organizations in which he has participated, in
commercial, service and manufacturing
He has been a professor at various universities,
in doctoral and master's programs, in face-toface and online format, including UNINIFUNIBER.
He is the author of the Books: "Development of
Multihability", Editorial Panorama, (2000),
"Effective Management of Family Business",
Editorial Panorama, (2009). Author of scientific
research articles.
He is currently Ceo of Ferri Consultores, which
provides consulting, training and selection
services to organizations seeking to improve
their competitive position.
2015/2787. Registration
CONACYT-RCEA No. RCEA-04-12282-2006.
Certified by the CONOCER in the standards:
"Design and Delivery of Training Courses" and
"General Consulting".


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