The role of Organizational Psychologist and the Human Talent Management Administrator in organizations

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María Fernanda Becerra-Sarmiento
Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña


Companies have hired personnel for the Human Talent area without taking into account the academic training of the Organizational Psychologist and the Human Talent Administrator, therefore, it is important to know the training of each professional to improve the quality of management in this area. To evaluate this purpose, an analysis of the content of each academic mesh was carried out in all the universities of Ecuador which offered them, as well as the graduate profiles; subsequently, the information was compiled to correlate the two professions with the job offers in the market. The analyzed data showed that Organizational Psychologists and Human Talent Administrators have different training and that companies do not take this point into account when hiring, causing errors in management since a psychologist has the function of motivating the staff, and the administrator has the function of the technical part of human talent. It is concluded that, therefore, in the main activities, the psychologist has a different function in companies, such as motivating, conducting satisfaction studies in contrast to the administrator who is in charge of the preparation, planning and distribution of positions within the company.


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How to Cite
Becerra, M., & Revelo, R. (2020). The role of Organizational Psychologist and the Human Talent Management Administrator in organizations. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(6-1), 528-538.
Author Biographies

María Fernanda Becerra-Sarmiento, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Research Professor in Organizational Behavior and Human Talent Management. Administration Engineer with mention in Process Management, Master in Human Talent Management from the National Polytechnic School with Cum Laude distinction, Diploma in Teaching and Research with mention of Academic Excellence-Mexico, among other academic titles. He has participated in national and international presentations, has made various publications on the practice of Human Talent Management.

Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña, Universidad Central del Ecuador


Finance magister, PhD student in education at the Universidad Nacional del Rosario, Argentina.

Researcher at Universidad Central del Ecuador


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