Study of the feedback strategy through the measurement of labor performance in SMEs

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Betty Yaritza Arana-Salazar
Bryan Alejandro Ordoñez-Guayllasaca
Nancy Janneth Tapia-Espinoza
Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina


The companies can be small and medium-sized they have constant changes in the market where their objective is to be competitive and provide a quality product or service to the people called user, but for this they must account with the greatest instrument in an organization such as human resources, who contributes with their abilities and skills in any process or task function, the communication is the method more effective to the relationship the manager with their collaborators, if there are not an effective communication between the manager and the collaborators will not have a good job performance based on what the organization require, for this reason, feedback is an assertive method that seeks with its application to reduce errors and increase benefits for who make up the organization. This research was developed in order to study the feedback strategy determining its impact by measuring performance job in Pymes, it is implementing with a quantitative approach and descriptive research to promote work, the information was collected from 384 employees of Pymes of commerce and service in Machala, through a survey with two blocks, the first block consist of 9 items and the second is about feedback, it is made for 8 items, these data were analyzed and interpreted through the correlation methods in the IBM SPSS statistical program, which we have had the deduction that Feedback maintains a moderate relationship with employee performance, accepting the significant impact of this strategy within organizations.


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How to Cite
Arana, B., Ordoñez, B., Tapia, N., & Pacheco, A. (2020). Study of the feedback strategy through the measurement of labor performance in SMEs. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(6-1), 360-376.
Author Biographies

Betty Yaritza Arana-Salazar, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Graduate student of Business Administration at the Technical University of Machala (Utmach) in the province of El Oro, research experience as a member of the binational research group Ecuador-Peru GRP-014 Emprende, science and action with the theme "The competitiveness of medium-sized enterprises in Ecuador and Perú”.

Bryan Alejandro Ordoñez-Guayllasaca, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Student graduated from the career of Business Administration at the Technical University of Machala (Utmach) in the province of El Oro, research experience through the work done in the institution.

Nancy Janneth Tapia-Espinoza, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Experiencia en el área empresarial: en gerencia, ventas; y, en docencia universitaria desde el año 2000;(b) Auditor, Ingeniera Comercial, Magister en Gestión Empresarial, Diploma Superior de Cuarto Nivel en Gerencia Estratégica de Mercadeo entre otros estudios realizados; (c) producción académica en ciencias sociales: economía y negocios(gestión); y, educación.

Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Associate Professor 1 of the Technical University of Machala

Ex - Manager and ex - Administrator of several companies and institutions such as Ibemayo, AE Consultores, Multinegocios, Chamber of Industries of El Oro, Indura Ecuador, Madeis, Invercomp, Banagrup

Master in business administration and management - University Technological Business of Guayaquil (UTEG), Higher Diploma in University Teaching - Technical University of Machala (UTMACH), Commercial Engineer - Technical University of Machala (UTMACH), Mechanical Technologist – Littoral Polytechnic School (ESPOL)


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