Social responsibility as an advertising strategy of tourist companies

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Christian Andrés Rueda-Cepeda
Karla Estefanía Pashma-Jácome
Víctor Hugo Córdova-Aldás


The current health emergency has considerably conditioned the operation of the hotel sector in Baños de Agua Santa-Ecuador. This has led hotels to formulate new or innovative advertising strategies to attract customers. For this reason, the social and business phenomenon named Corporate Social Responsibility is considered as an emerging and interesting advertising strategy. The objective of the research is to determine the level of influence of CSR as an advertising strategy under the Carroll Pyramid Model. The research was designed with a positivist paradigm, descriptive type and quantitative approach. The research participants, were people who stayed in a hotel in Baños de Agua Santa, who were surveyed by telephone call. The chi-square statistic was used to verify the research hypothesis. The results show an acceptance of the products and/or services offered by hotels in this context. It is concluded that the dimensions of the Carroll Pyramid Model of CSR allowed to define a high level of influence as a public strategy, through community activities such as optimization of natural resources, support for neglected groups, among others.


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How to Cite
Rueda, C., Pashma, K., & Córdova, V. (2020). Social responsibility as an advertising strategy of tourist companies. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(6-1), 71-79.
Author Biographies

Christian Andrés Rueda-Cepeda, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Graduated from the Marketing and Business Management Career at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at the Technical University of Ambato. I have one year of experience as an Investment Executive in the OSCUS Savings and Credit Cooperative.

Karla Estefanía Pashma-Jácome, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Practice pre-professionals

Oscus Credit and Savings Cooperative (Investigate and analyze the activities that are carried out for the proper functioning of the company in the market.)

Participation in customer service and attention courses Ambato Chamber of Commerce

Business event tenth edition of the management model of the quality of services based on the Walt Disney model of the companies in the central area of ​​the country.

Víctor Hugo Córdova-Aldás, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Commercial Engineer and Master in Business Management, I am crossing doctorate studies in Administrative and Management Sciences at the University of Carabobo. I have 8 years of teaching experience and 6 years of professional experience in my own civil works micro-company as general manager. I have published 6 scientific articles and 3 publications in book chapters.


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