Digital Training for the reduction of Technological Illiteracy in Educators

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Flavio Raúl Vega-Padilla
María Alejandrina Nivela-Cornejo
Peggy Danny Ricaurte Ulloa
Peggy Danny Ricaurte-Ulloa


The aim of the study was to propose digital training to reduce technological illiteracy among educators. A mixed, non-experimental approach was used; descriptive scope, cross-sectional temporality, field design. The study population was 388 teachers from institutions in the Educational District 05D04 Pujilí - Saquisilí. The 68 teachers from the Pujilí Educational Unit were selected as a sample. The type of sampling used was non-probabilistic, intentional sampling. A 15-question questionnaire with a Likert-type scale and a semi-structured interview were used. The results show a series of challenges in the field of digital training of educators, as well as opportunities to improve their training and professional development in educational technology. The high proportion of teachers who feel uncomfortable and untrained to use digital tools (79.41% and 55.88%, respectively) reveals a widespread resistance to educational technology; 58.83% report difficulties in solving basic technical problems; Most of them expressed interest in participating in future courses on technological literacy. As a contribution, the 8-week course was designed: Digital Empowerment for Educators: Overcoming Technological Illiteracy. The proposal of the Digital Training course was valued, concluding that it has proven to be effective in reducing technological illiteracy among educators, by enhancing their digital skills, facilitating the effective incorporation of technology in their teaching and fostering a favorable perception towards the use of technological tools in their practice. 


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How to Cite
Vega-Padilla , F. ., Nivela-Cornejo , M. ., Ricaurte Ulloa, P. D., & Ricaurte-Ulloa , P. . (2025). Digital Training for the reduction of Technological Illiteracy in Educators . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 659-680.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Flavio Raúl Vega-Padilla , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Graduate in Educational Sciences, mention in Musical Education, obtained at the State University of Bolívar; Faculty of Human Sciences and Education. 

 Teacher at the San Francisco de Asís Educational Unit for 5 years. 

Teacher at the César Viera Educational Unit for 10 years.  

Teacher at the Inés Cobo Donoso Higher Institute for 2 years. 

Teacher at the Pujilí Educational Unit for 10 years. 

Rector of the Belisario Quevedo Educational Unit for 3 months. 

María Alejandrina Nivela-Cornejo , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Doctor of Human Sciences with a focus on Communication, Education, Information, and New Technologies, with experience as a teaching researcher. Specialist in Educational Informatics with a strong foundation in Educational Sciences. Committed to educational innovation and the development of technology-based pedagogical strategies. 
Master’s Degree in Educational Informatics and Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Informatics. 
Certified as a researcher by Senescyt. 

  • Teaching Classes in the Distance Learning Higher Education System 
  • Manager of the IT and Multimedia Systems Career Linkages  
  • Professional Practice Tutor. 
  • Social Engagement Tutor. 
  • Master’s Thesis Advisor. 
  • English Teacher. 

Author of articles, books, and book chapters. 

Peggy Danny Ricaurte-Ulloa , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Bachelor's Degree  

Diploma in Gender and Local Development  

PhD Candidate in Local and Territorial Development 

Former director of public entities of Ecuador, Ministry of Social and Economic Inclusion, Senecyt and Ministry of International Relations and Human Mobility 


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