Conciliation as a culture of peace in transit matters. challenges and opportunities

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Luis José Rodriguez-Barrios
Germán Alberto Mosquera-Narváez


Conciliation is an alternative method of resolving intra-process conflicts that allows the parties to reach an agreement freely and voluntarily, as long as the matter is transmissible. In the context of traffic matters in Ecuador, this mechanism is especially relevant in offering a quick and friendly solution to conflicts arising from road incidents, as long as they do not involve death, loss of an organ or permanent disability of a person. . Traffic accidents in Ecuador are one of the main causes of injuries, deaths and material damage, and handling these incidents through judicial means is long and expensive. Conciliation, being an alternative method, offers a faster and less adversarial way to resolve these conflicts, promoting a culture of peace in the country. However, not all people know the procedures and benefits of conciliation in traffic matters, which prevents them from considering this option as a viable and efficient alternative. Promoting a culture of peace in Ecuador is crucial, as the judicial system faces significant backlogs and delays, making it difficult to obtain timely reparations for harmed people. There is a perception that conciliation is less effective or legitimate than a court ruling, which deters people from opting for this mechanism. Thus, the question arises about the legal nature of conciliation in transit matters in Ecuador, considering the restrictions and potential benefits offered by this alternative method of conflict resolution.


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How to Cite
Rodriguez-Barrios, L. ., & Mosquera-Narváez, G. . (2025). Conciliation as a culture of peace in transit matters. challenges and opportunities . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1-1), 231-245.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Luis José Rodriguez-Barrios, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Master's student in the Graduate Program in Procedural Law and Oral Litigation at Universidad Indoamérica, Quito campus. Lawyer in two countries, practicing in both the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Republic of Ecuador, mediator accredited by the Judiciary Council, contributing to the resolution of conflicts through alternative methods.

Germán Alberto Mosquera-Narváez, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Republic of Ecuador, Master of International Sciences from the Central University of Ecuador, and Master of Constitutional Law from Indoamérica University. University Professor in the Graduate Program in Procedural Law and Oral Litigation at Indoamérica University, Quito Campus. Extensive experience in teaching and legal research (Constitutional Law), as well as experience in managing environmental conservation programs and projects. Co-author of several books related to Constitutional Law, the environment, and democracy.


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