The use of gamification as a motivational strategy in virtual environments

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Katya Ivanova Moreta-López
Liliana Lucía Fiallos-Núñez
Isacc Israel Araujo-Guerrero
Lilia del Pilar Purcachi-Aguaguiña
Aracelly Fernanda Nuñez-Naranjo


Introduction: Gamification has transformed education, creating opportunities for personalized learning, which has fostered innovation and improved academic outcomes. However, the integration of artificial intelligence presents significant ethical challenges related to equity, justice, and algorithmic biases. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the impact of gamification in education from an ethical perspective, focusing on social justice and equity. Methodology: A bibliographic review and content analysis methodology were applied, using databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Results: The findings indicate that while gamification offers significant benefits, such as personalized learning and resource optimization, it also poses risks, including the perpetuation of pre-existing biases and a lack of algorithmic accountability. Conclusion: It is concluded that implementing ethical policies and regulatory frameworks is essential to ensure transparency and accountability in the use of AI in education.


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How to Cite
Moreta-López, K. ., Fiallos-Nuñez , L. ., Araujo-Guerrero , I. ., Purcachi-Aguaguiña , L. ., & Nuñez-Naranjo , A. . (2025). The use of gamification as a motivational strategy in virtual environments. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1-2), 155-170.
Author Biographies

Katya Ivanova Moreta-López , Ministerio de Educación Ecuador - Ecuador

Bachelor of Science in Education, mention in Computer Science, graduated from the Technical University of Ambato, Master in Distance Education, graduated from the National University of Loja, currently a student of the Master in Educational Research at the Technological University Tech, focused on improving administrative and pedagogical processes to improve meaningful learning with the use of technology as a tool for innovation.

Liliana Lucía Fiallos-Núñez , Unidad Educativa Hispano America - Ecuador

I am a Biochemical Engineer with a solid academic and professional background. I hold a Master’s Degree in Integrated Management Systems for Occupational Risk Prevention, Quality, Environment, and Corporate Social Responsibility, which has allowed me to acquire specialized knowledge in key areas for organizational improvement and sustainable development. 

Additionally, I have completed a Master’s program in Administration and Educational Planning, strengthening my competencies in strategic management and the planning of educational processes. 

I have over 10 years of experience in the field of teaching, working with dedication to shape students, foster their integral development, and promote academic excellence. 

Isacc Israel Araujo-Guerrero , Ministerio de Educación / Unidad Educativa Picaihua - Ecuador

Industrial Engineer in Automation Processes, graduated from Universidad Técnica de Ambato, and Master’s Degree in Advanced Teaching Competencies for Early Childhood, Primary, and Secondary Education with a specialization in Mathematics from Rey Juan Carlos University in Spain. Experienced teacher in physics and mathematics, committed to promoting technological and scientific skills. His primary area of interest is educational robotics, aiming to integrate innovation with hands-on learning. 

Lilia del Pilar Purcachi-Aguaguiña , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Master in Education, mention in Educational Innovation and Leadership. Bachelor of Science in Education. Teacher reviewer and tutor of postgraduate projects of the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the Universidad Indoamérica. Currently, she is a teacher in the sub-level of High School of the Bolivar Educational Unit of Ambato-Ecuador. 

Aracelly Fernanda Nuñez-Naranjo , Centro de investigación en Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación-CICHE / Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

PhD in Humanities and Arts with a specialization in Educational Sciences. Master's degree in Educational Research. Master's degree in Social and Productive Project Management. Bachelor's degree in Basic Education Sciences. Engineer in Electronics and Communications. University professor at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, both nationally and internationally. Currently a researcher at the Center for Research in Human and Educational Sciences and a professor at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels at Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica 


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