Project management in the aerospace industry in Ecuador: experience with the modernization of T-34C-1 military aircrafts
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The paper describes the Ecuadorian Air Force T-34C-1 aircraft modernization program developed in Ecuador by the Aeronautical Industry Directorate DIAF. The framework to present the facts is a complex products and systems project considering that the structural repair and modernization of the avionics includes the disassembly of all the components to rebuild the aircraft in an integration process similar to a fabrication one. The approach establishes the adaptation of external and internal aspects of the maintenance organization for a pioneer program in the national aerospace industry. Based on the historical and technical information available, the paper presents the initial state of the modernization program, integration challenges, solutions and the final state for both the operator and the integrator. Emphasis is placed on the adaptation of the integration mechanisms, as well as on the capabilities that the integrator had to manage for the program. Finally, this document presents lessons learned from the modernization, which remain valid over time and can currently serve as references for planning or determining the requirements of major maintenance projects or modernization of military aircrafts. The guidelines established are applicable for project manager and final users or operators.
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