Challenges and Opportunities of E-commerce for MYPIMES: A Practical Approach

Main Article Content

Christian Fernando Barragán-Quizhpe
Edgar Patricio Rivadeneira-Ramos
Patricia de Lourdes León-Monar
Víctor Hugo Quizhpe-Baculima


The article examines the challenges and opportunities faced by MSMEs in Bolívar, Ecuador, in adopting e-commerce within a context driven by the COVID-19 pandemic and globalization. Although e-commerce presents significant opportunities, MSMEs encounter barriers such as inadequate digital infrastructure, financial limitations, and a lack of technological skills. This study aims to analyze these barriers and propose practical solutions to strengthen their digital competitiveness. 

The methodology employs a mixed approach, combining document review and surveys of 334 MSME representatives in Bolívar. This approach enables data triangulation, reinforcing the validity of the results. Findings highlight a considerable digital gap compared to larger companies; while 78% have participated in virtual events, only 23% use e-commerce for sales. Key difficulties include customer generation, marketing, and access to financing. 

The research concludes that the lack of technological skills is a significant obstacle to expanding online presence and diversifying product and service offerings. It also emphasizes that many MSMEs prefer free platforms, underscoring the need to reduce operational costs. This study provides a comprehensive view of the challenges and proposes practical strategies to facilitate MSMEs' effective integration into digital commerce. 


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How to Cite
Barragán-Quizhpe , C. ., Rivadeneira-Ramos , E. ., León-Monar , P. ., & Quizhpe-Baculima , V. . (2025). Challenges and Opportunities of E-commerce for MYPIMES: A Practical Approach . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 630-640.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Christian Fernando Barragán-Quizhpe , Universidad Estatal de Bolívar - Ecuador   Computer Systems Engineer with a Master's degree in Telematic Security and Business Administration. Author and co-author of several articles published in scientific journals indexed in Latindex with regional impact.       



Edgar Patricio Rivadeneira-Ramos , Universidad Estatal de Bolívar - Ecuador

Degree in Computer Science from the State University of Bolívar, Master in Educational Management from the State University of Bolívar, professional Master's degree in New Technologies Applied to Education from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, currently a student of the doctoral program in Systems Engineering and Informatics, professor at the State University of Bolívar. RESEARCHERID AIF-1355-2022 

Patricia de Lourdes León-Monar , Universidad Estatal de Bolívar - Ecuador 

Marketing Engineer with a Master's Degree in "Marketing Management and Customer Service" graduated from the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Provide my Professional services as an Advisor to DISPROTEXTIL S.A in the Commercial Unit, Marketing area, Teaching experience in the ACIBAG training center, National University of Chimborazo and Polytechnic School of Chimborazo. I currently work at the State University of Bolívar in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Business Management and Information Technology, Marketing Career in which he carried out teaching and administrative management activities. I have written scientific articles on customer service, brands, advertising, quality of education, teaching process, among others. 

Víctor Hugo Quizhpe-Baculima , Universidad Estatal de Bolívar - Ecuador

Commercial Engineer, Graduate in Accounting and Auditing, Master in Business Administration M.B.A., Specialist in Project Management, Diplomas in: Strategic Marketing Management, Strategic Sales Management, Strategic Management of Business Performance, Emotional Intelligence and Thought Development, Business Management Marketing.  He is currently a Professor – Senior Researcher at the State University of Bolívar (U.E.B.) 


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