Analysis of the adolescent criminal justice system in Ecuador: The need to redefine the minority

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Bayron Paul Lorona-González


This research presents an integral perspective on the complex issue that constitutes the criminal responsibility of minors in Ecuador, therefore describes particularities of its adolescent justice system. It determines as the object of study the analysis on the need to redefine the minority age within the context of the standards, principles and recommendations of the international instruments signed by the country, cites jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, reviews the regulations as national jurisprudence and the existence of bills concerning lowering the age of imputability of adolescents. The methodology elaborates on the main legal arguments of experts against the age reduction and collects official demographic profile data and statistical information on the participation of adolescents in the commission of crimes. It concludes based on the results and discussion on the exclusion of the provisions that allow lowering standards of protection and establishes the minimum age of acquisition of criminal responsibility of a person at sixteen years of age.


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How to Cite
Lorona-González , P. (2025). Analysis of the adolescent criminal justice system in Ecuador: The need to redefine the minority . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 18-28.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Bayron Paul Lorona-González , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts of Justice of the Republic of Ecuador; 

Master in Intellectual Property; 

Master's Degree in Human Rights (Spain); 

Master in Criminology: Delinquency and Victimology (Spain); 

Master's Degree in International and Transnational Criminal Law (Spain). 

University lecturer and expert lawyer in criminal defense. Director of Public Law at LawOffice. With experience in the public sector and in academia; with several academic works published as author and co-author. He is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Juridical Sciences (Argentina) and is a graduate of the Master's Degree in Criminal Law from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. 


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