Relevant aspects of the convergence to IAS-SP in the patrimonial assets of the non-financial public sector

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Maricela Lucía Chérrez-Jaramillo
Cecilia Ivonne Narváez-Zurita
Juan Carlos Erazo-Álvarez
Mireya Magdalena Torres-Palacios


The International Accounting Standards focused on the public sector (IPSAS) issued by the International Standards Council (IPSASB), constitute high standards in the management of financial-accounting information. Currently, several countries in the world have adopted these standards, as is the case of Ecuador. The Azogues Municipal Autonomous Decentralized Government (GADMA), faced with the need to recognize and register heritage assets in the financial statements, carried out the present study; The objective of the investigation is to propose a process for the implementation of IAS-SP 17 for the recognition of heritage assets. The methodology used in this research was non-experimental and cross-sectional, since the variables were analyzed in their natural state and at a single moment in time. The diagnosis determined the non-existence of a specific rule that controls heritage assets, its inventory was last carried out more than ten years ago by the National Heritage and Cultural Institute (INPC) and not by the GADMA, the vast majority of these assets are not under the domain of the institution. It is concluded that with the implementation of IAS-SP 17, reliable information will be obtained for the recognition of the assets of the Municipality, which must be registered in the account of Assets of National Historical Artistic and / or Cultural Heritage, as is the case of the Municipal cemetery, the Rodrigo Pesántez Museum and the Quinta San José; With this, the entity will present reasonable financial statements.


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How to Cite
Chérrez, M., Narváez, C., Erazo, J., & Torres, M. (2020). Relevant aspects of the convergence to IAS-SP in the patrimonial assets of the non-financial public sector. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(4-1), 4-18.
Author Biographies

Maricela Lucía Chérrez-Jaramillo, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Maricela Chérrez Jaramillo, Contadora de empresas privadas y públicas en la zona Austral en el libre ejercicio profesional, cuenta con experiencia de 6 años. Docencia en Educación Superior- de la carrera de Tecnología Superior en Contabilidad y Tecnología en Contabilidad y Auditoría con una experiencia de 5 años.


Academic degrees:   

Public Accountant Auditor (CPA)

Master (c) in Accounting and Audit

Cecilia Ivonne Narváez-Zurita, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Ivonne Narváez Zurita, coordinator of the Master's Degree in Accounting and Auditing at the Catholic University of Cuenca, has 13 years of experience in university teaching. She has contributed as an author to more than 150 scientific articles in the areas of Accounting and Auditing, Business Administration and Constitutional Law during the last two years.

Academic degrees:   


Accounting and Auditing Engineer (CPA)

Master in Business Administration

PhD (c) Economics

Juan Carlos Erazo-Álvarez, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Juan Carlos Erazo, coordinator of the Master in Business Administration at the Catholic University of Cuenca, has 17 years of experience in the field of university teaching, and has contributed as an author to more than 200 scientific articles in the areas of Business Administration, Constitutional Law, Accounting and Auditing, and Education, during the last two years.

Academic degrees:   

Financial Engineer

Master in Business Administration

Master in Education Management

PhD (c) Economics


Mireya Magdalena Torres-Palacios, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Mireya Torres is a specialist in Auditing at the General State Comptroller's Office with 16 years of experience. She has been a Guest Academic Teacher at the Master's Degree in Accounting and Auditing at the Catholic University of Cuenca for the last 4 years, and has contributed as an author of scientific articles in the area of Accounting Sciences.   


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