Methods to strengthen the reading habit and the use of digital tools in education

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Monica Sandra Peralta-Peralta
Tibisay Milene Lamus-de Rodríguez


The objective of this article is to analyze the methods that teachers use to strengthen the reading habit and the use of digital tools in basic secondary education of the Esperanza Eterna Educational Unit, Province of Pastaza, Puyo parish, La Primavera sector, during the year 2023-2024 school year. Methodologically, it is conducted through quantitative research, using the inductive-deductive method, with which the data were collected through the survey technique, having as an instrument of inquiry a Likert-type questionnaire applied to the teachers of the aforementioned institution. The results showed that the majority of teachers do carry out practices to promote the reading habit and even they themselves have that habit, which is positive to multiply the culture of reading frequently. Additionally, teachers frequently use the virtual classroom, supported by two digital applications such as Canva and Prezzi, since there is a wide range of software to incorporate into reading promotion activities. (in this way it indicates the use of these two programs when there is a wide range to motivate children to read and use digital tools. Among the conclusions, we have that the teaching and learning process is optimized every day in depth and form, all with the aim of reaching the student body in a better way, since the use of technological tools facilitates the interaction between the teacher and the student, achieving better interaction. 


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How to Cite
Peralta-Peralta , M. ., & Lamus-de Rodríguez, T. . (2025). Methods to strengthen the reading habit and the use of digital tools in education . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 69-83.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Monica Sandra Peralta-Peralta , Universidad Indoamerica - Ecuador

Born in the city of Puyo on April 16, 1992. Teacher at the Esperanza Eterna Private Unit with the title of Bachelor of Education Sciences, Basic Education Mention, registered in CENECYT (N°1032-2021-2259364). 

Student at the Indoamerica University of the Master's Degree in Education with a Major in Innovation and Educational Leadership - blended - 2019 to 2025 - mesh id: 183, 3rd level. 

Tibisay Milene Lamus-de Rodríguez, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamericana - Ecuador

Professor of Applied Linguistics, Historical Evolution of Spanish, Phonetics, Epistemology and Research Methodology, mention Language and Literature, University of Carabobo, Valencia, Carabobo state, Venezuela. Linguistics Specialist, University of Salamanca, Spain. Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences from the Latin American and Caribbean Pedagogical Institute (IPLAC), Havana, Cuba. She has written scientific articles in the area of Education, Linguistics and books in the area of Education and Language for Basic Education and Higher Education. She is an academic staff of Language, Literature and Latin at the Universidad Nacional Experiemntal “Francisco de Miranda” (UNEFM). Currently, she works as an academic liaison for the UNEFM postgraduate courses in Ecuador and as an academic tutor for teachers at the Indo-American Technological University in Ecuador. 


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