Market research and design of marketing strategies to market products derived from pitahaya

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Layla Yasmina Viteri-Rade
Irma Ubaldina Mogollón-Alvarado
Helen Natalia Quiñonez-Mercado
Jubely Alexandra Caicedo-Tovar


The main objective of this article was to evaluate the commercial viability of products derived from pitahaya, produced using freeze-drying and pulping techniques, in the local market, through a mixed methodology of exploratory descriptive nature, with a sample of 384 individuals to whom surveys and interviews were applied, being able to determine that although pitahaya is known by the vast majority, the consumption of derived products remains relatively low. In fact, it is an ideal opportunity to diversify the range of products offered. The experts interviewed indicate that the production of Pitahaya is highly subject to several challenges ranging from pests, disease, unfair competition between exporters, which implies an instability in price and profitability. Finally, it is concluded that demographic data and consumption reveal a market with high knowledge of pitahaya, but with room to increase the consumption of derivatives, especially among young people and women. Likewise, the most predominant factor for consuming products derived from pitahaya is health, well-being and quality. In addition, pitahaya has a high market potential, especially internationally, but faces significant challenges such as pests, unfair competition and price fluctuations due to its seasonality.


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How to Cite
Viteri-Rade , L., Mogollón-Alvarado , I. ., Quiñonez-Mercado , H. ., & Caicedo-Tovar , J. . (2024). Market research and design of marketing strategies to market products derived from pitahaya. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 920-940.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Layla Yasmina Viteri-Rade , Instituto Superior Universitario EuroAmericano - Ecuador

Teacher Researcher Eng.Layla Viteri Rade, Mgs, was born on September 21, 1979 in the city of Manbi, I have published several scientific ariticles, and a book, I work as a teacher at the Euro-American University Higher Technological Institute of Guayaquil and at the Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabi 

Irma Ubaldina Mogollón-Alvarado , Instituto Superior Universitario EuroAmericano - Ecuador

I am a senior teacher-researcher, with a degree in Education Sciences in Marketing and Advertising, with a postgraduate degree in Digital Marketing and Social Media. I have published a book and a scientific article. I work as a teacher at the EuroAmericano Higher University Institute.

Helen Natalia Quiñonez-Mercado , Instituto Superior Universitario EuroAmericano - Ecuador

Fourth semester student of the Business Administration degree at the Instituto Superior Universitario EuroAmericano.

Jubely Alexandra Caicedo-Tovar , Instituto Superior Universitario EuroAmericano - Ecuador

Fourth semester student of the Business Administration degree at the Instituto Superior Universitario EuroAmericano


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