Self-knowledge: the importance of vocational and career guidance

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Grace Anabel Santafé-Chimborazo
Gloria Maricela Simbaña-Veloz
Rubén Mauricio Nuela-Torres
Iván Fabricio Villacís-Yánez


The present research deals with the analysis of self-knowledge and vocational and professional orientation for students between 15 and 16 years of age at the "Mario Cobo Barona" Educational Unit. The AF5 questionnaire by García Fernando was used, which has five dimensions: academic/labor, social, emotional, family and physical. Adolescence, an important stage in human development, is characterized by physical, emotional, and social transformations. As an essential part, self-concept has a significant impact on how adolescents perceive themselves and relate to their environment. This study emphasizes the role of self-concept in a person's balanced development and its impact on a variety of aspects, including academic and physical aspects. The non-experimental correlational cross-sectional study was conducted with 21 students from an educational unit in Ambato. The AF5 questionnaire, structured in five dimensions and with twenty questions, was used. An evaluation of the reliability and validity of the instrument was carried out in accordance with the specifications of the Ministry of Education. Informed parental consent and authorization from the educational institution preceded data collection. These results show that specific interventions are needed to strengthen the areas where students show deficiencies, particularly in the social and family dimensions, while maintaining and improving the areas where students already show good performance, such as in the physical area.


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How to Cite
Santafé-Chimborazo , G. ., Simbaña-Veloz , G. ., Nuela-Torres , R. ., & Villacís-Yánez , I. . (2024). Self-knowledge: the importance of vocational and career guidance. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4-1), 81-92.
Author Biographies

Grace Anabel Santafé-Chimborazo , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

I attended my basic education studies in the Educational Unit "La Inmaculada", where I did volunteer work and charitable works as a member of VMY. I obtained my bachelor's degree in Science at the "Jorge Alvarez" Educational Unit. In the course of my university career, I was part of the DECE team of the UE Mario Cobo Barona, at present I do volunteer work in a center for the elderly, performing activities of cognitive stimulation and occupational therapy. 

Gloria Maricela Simbaña-Veloz , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Bachelor’s Degree in Psychopedagogy from Hemisferios University. Master's Degree in Early Intervention: Prevention, Detection, and Intervention in Developmental and Learning Disorders from Complutense University of Madrid. Additionally, I published an essay on the film “Reign Over Me” in Punto Tlön magazine. 

Rubén Mauricio Nuela-Torres , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Educational Psychologist and Vocational Counselor from the Technical University of Ambato. University Master's degree in Psychopedagogy with a mention in Neurodevelopment, from the University of Otavalo 

Iván Fabricio Villacís-Yánez , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Professor in the field of Information Technology at the Technical University of Ambato. With over 7 years of experience in the technology sector, specializing in information systems and the development of advanced technological solutions. Additionally, I have worked as a technology consultant for various companies, making significant contributions to the optimization of their computer systems.


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