Development of literacy through psycho-pedagogical strategies in children from 6 to 7 years of age.

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Marilyn Liseth Navas-Villarroel
Paulina Margarita Ruiz-López
Rocío Angélica Coba-Murillo
Ximena Cumandá Miranda-López


The present research deals with the development of literacy through psycho-pedagogical strategies. The development of literacy is a complex process that encompasses the acquisition of reading and writing skills that are fundamental for communication and learning in primary education. There are students who do not present an adequate level of literacy development, for this reason the implementation of psycho-pedagogical strategies plays an essential role in this process, since they allow for the personalization of teaching, focusing on addressing and understanding the different learning styles. The methodology used in this study is non-experimental and cross-sectional. The study population is made up of 32 students of 6- and 7-years old belonging to the second year of General Basic Education, the Reading and Writing Analysis Test (TALE) was administered to evaluate the level of reading and writing, which consists of two subtests: reading and writing, its application is individual or group except for reading aloud, the duration is 60 minutes and it is aimed at children from 6 to 10 years of age. The most relevant results of the research are that more than half of the students present significant deficiencies in both reading and writing, which causes pedagogical delays and low academic performance. It is also evident that the adequate and timely application of psycho-pedagogical strategies increases motivation and interest in reading and writing, which favors and improves this skill in students.


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How to Cite
Navas-Villarroel , M. ., Ruiz-López , P. ., Coba-Murillo , R. ., & Miranda-López , X. . (2024). Development of literacy through psycho-pedagogical strategies in children from 6 to 7 years of age . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4-1), 155-166.
Author Biographies

Marilyn Liseth Navas-Villarroel , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

I have a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting and Administration from the "Pujilí" Educational Unit, where I obtained an outstanding academic average. I am currently an eighth semester student in the career of Psychopedagogy at the Technical University of Ambato. I have done pre-professional internships and projects in different educational institutions where I acquired a broad knowledge of psychopedagogical intervention strategies.  

Paulina Margarita Ruiz-López , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Educational Psychologist and Vocational Counselor, Master in Curriculum Design and Educational Evaluation from the Technical University of Ambato, Research Professor at the Technical University of Ambato, Coordinator of the Educational and Industrial Psychology Careers (2015), Teacher of the Educational Psychology Career and Career of Computer Teaching, Teacher of the Semi-in-person Basic Education program UTA, Postgraduate teacher at the Indoamérica Technological University, has published articles in national and international scientific journals, and has participated in various conferences, Psychologist in free exercise. 

Rocío Angélica Coba-Murillo , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Educational Psychologist and Vocational Counselor, Lcda. in Human and Educational Sciences with a mention in Basic Education, Master in Curriculum Design and Educational Evaluation from the Technical University of Ambato, Researcher Teacher at the Technical University of Ambato, Teacher of the Educational and Industrial Psychology Degree and Computer Teaching Degree, Teacher of the Semi-in-person Basic Education degree UTA, Teacher in Educational Units, Educational Psychologist DECE, Analyst in the My Best Years Project MIES. 

Ximena Cumandá Miranda-López , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Education professional. Master in Educational Psychology; Master in Curriculum Design and Educational Evaluation, with experience in public and private Educational Institutions. 


Research teacher at the Technical University of Ambato, in the majors of: Basic Education, Psychopedagogy, Educational Psychology and Industrial Psychology. 


He has coordinated and executed Research Projects that have contributed significantly to the development of teaching-learning processes. He has contributed to the publication of several scientific articles, participating in presentations and conferences at the national and international level, exposing the results of the research carried out during his professional career. 


Currently, he coordinates the Research Project called: Educational Innovation and strengthening of Critical Thinking from an inclusive approach, at the Technical University of Ambato-Ecuador, with innovative proposals to improve university educational quality. 


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