Confusion between the Nullity of Public Deeds and Contracts in the Ecuadorian Legal System: A Commentary on a Court Ruling

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Odette Martinez-Perez
Jenny Cristina Tello-Mora
Germania Elizabeth Esquivel-Semanate


In the Ecuadorian legal system, the nullities of contracts and public deeds are crucial elements whose implications extend beyond the legal sphere, permeating civil and family relations and generating an atmosphere of uncertainty and potential legal insecurity. This work delves into a comprehensive analysis of nullities from the perspectives of the Civil Code and the Notarial Law, exploring their causes, effects, and implications in due process. Through a mixed approach that integrates qualitative and quantitative scientific methods, this study aims not only to identify and analyze the causes and effects of nullities but also to propose strategies and protocols that mitigate their negative impacts on the legal process. The exploration of specific cases and the evaluation of existing strategies and proposals will weave an analysis that not only illustrates the current situation regarding nullities in Ecuador but also proposes viable paths for the improvement and optimization of related legal processes, always seeking a legal practice that safeguards the rights and interests of the parties involved and strengthens the rule of law in the country.


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How to Cite
Martinez-Perez , O. ., Tello-Mora , J., & Esquivel-Semanate , G. . (2024). Confusion between the Nullity of Public Deeds and Contracts in the Ecuadorian Legal System: A Commentary on a Court Ruling. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 353-365.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Odette Martinez-Perez , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Professor at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador, PhD. Legal Sciences. She is the author of books and scientific articles, speakers at international events.

Jenny Cristina Tello-Mora , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Private Technical University of Loja, Specialist in Criminal Procedural Law of the UNIANDES University, Judicial Official for 14 years, currently secretary of the Civil Judicial Unit of the province of Esmeraldas for 8 years, and awaiting the Master's degree in Procedural Law from the Bolivarian Technical University

Germania Elizabeth Esquivel-Semanate , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals, from the Central University of Ecuador, Specialist in Constitutional Law, from the Simon Bolivar Andean University, Judge of the Civil Judicial Unit of Esmeraldas.


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