Distinctive features of judicial inspection as evidence in the processes of acquisitive prescription of ownership in light of a comparative and hermeneutical analysis

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Vinicio Xavier Jimenez-Estrada
Iris Vicente Castañeda-Pilaló
Odette Martínez-Pérez


The present work, developed as a Scientific Article, addresses the topic of judicial inspection as evidence and its relationship with extraordinary acquisitive domain prescription trials, which are based within the Ecuadorian legal field; The judicial inspection seeks to verify the existence of the thing and the possession or not of the actor. This verification is carried out through an on-site examination by the Judge with the assistance of a qualified expert designated by the Judicial Council. by legal draw. We use a legal research approach, with the objective of systematizing the best practices for substantiating the use of judicial inspection as evidence, we will also use the Formal paradigm and its Comparative and Exegetical methods; as well as the methods of the Socio-Legal Paradigm such as Hermeneutics; culminating with a comparative study about the similarities and differences of the Judicial Inspection as evidence in the Trials of Extraordinary Acquisitive Prescription of Domain, both in the Colombian Judicial System and in the Peruvian Legal System, in relation to our Ecuadorian National Legal System.


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How to Cite
Jimenez-Estrada , V. ., Castañeda-Pilaló , I. ., & Martínez-Pérez , O. . (2024). Distinctive features of judicial inspection as evidence in the processes of acquisitive prescription of ownership in light of a comparative and hermeneutical analysis. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 262-278. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.5.2584
Artículos de revisión
Author Biographies

Vinicio Xavier Jimenez-Estrada , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador. Senior legal analyst for granting mortgage loans to IESS members, special representative of the Banco de Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social. 

Iris Vicente Castañeda-Pilaló , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Fourth level student in the master's degree in Procedural Law at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador UBE. Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador, in practice in free professional practice in the specialty of civil law. 

Odette Martínez-Pérez , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador


Ph.D. Legal Sciences. 

MSc. Constitutional and Administrative Law 

Master in Education in Digital Environments. 

Speaker at national and international events and author of books 


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Fuentes Legales

Constitución de la República del Ecuador 2008. Publicada en el Registro Oficial No. 449 20 de octubre de 2008. Obtenido en https://www.asambleanacional.gob.ec/sites/default/files/documents/old/constitucion_de_bolsillo.pdf

Código Orgánico General de Procesos. Publicado en el Registro Oficial Suplemento 506 de 22 de mayo de 2015; Última modificación: 26 de junio de 2019; Estado: Reformado. Obtenido en:


Código Orgánico de la Función Judicial. Publicado en el Registro Oficial 12, 10 de marzo de 2022; Última Reforma: Edición Constitucional del Registro Oficial 12. Obtenido en:
