Bibliometric analysis on Lean Circular Production Systems
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The integration of Lean Manufacturing (LM) and Circular Economy (CE) provides a holistic approach, encompassing economic, social, political and environmental sustainability in three key areas: process, product and life cycle thinking in companies. Studies have shown a positive correlation between LM and CE taking place within the Lean Circular (LC) literature. The main objective of this study is to answer the following questions: Which are the countries worldwide that have generated a great scientific contribution regarding LC in the last four years? and Which organizations are the most interacting with each other in order to disseminate relevant information on LC? The methodology used included a systematic literature review (SLR). Therefore, there was scope to apply a bibliometric analysis tool and technique. In order to identify research hotspots, thematic areas, trending topics, knowledge base, VOSviewer was used for the analysis. The results showed that the countries that have made the greatest commitment to research are Sweden, which has made the greatest contribution, followed by Italy and the United Kingdom. Similarly, when comparing the countries that have generated the highest number of citations of their articles, it was determined that the United Kingdom, India and Australia are the countries that occupy the first three places. When correlating the organizations, it was found that few organizations have generated productive content in terms of published papers on LC. According to the publications that have been generated, it can be observed that those that give more importance to the research topic are the universities of the Asian and British continent. Finally, the research gaps and the future scope of the field are highlighted
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