Wastewater treatment system for shrimp laboratories. Factors and parameters in the estimation of areas, times and costs

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Juan Carlos Muyulema-Allaica
Richard Edinson Muñoz-Bravo
Ariel Bernardo González-Bazán
Paola Martina Pucha-Medina


The efficient design of a wastewater treatment system can ensure the correct management of water resources used in different industries such as shrimp laboratories, also to helping to preserve the environment. The objective of this study was to present the factors and parameters that should be considered for the design of a treatment system in relation to the estimation of areas, time, and costs. The methodology used was focused on obtaining data such as the outflow of a study company, the definition of the treatment system to be designed, the determination of the machinery and concentrations to be considered for the respective analyses, also to the generalization of treatment times. Different methods were used to analyze and estimate different data and compare them with a design already made by another author. Finally, it was concluded that the estimates made help to clearly understand the factors that must be considered in the design of a system and its distribution of areas, to avoid risks and achieve sustainable wastewater disposal. 


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How to Cite
Muyulema-Allaica, J. ., Muñoz-Bravo, R. ., González-Bazán, A. ., & Pucha-Medina, P. . (2024). Wastewater treatment system for shrimp laboratories. Factors and parameters in the estimation of areas, times and costs . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(2), 275-287. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.2.2305
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Muyulema-Allaica, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena / Centro de Investigación e Innovación de Ingeniería Industrial - Ecuador


Currently Research Professor at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the State University Santa Elena Peninsula; Professor at Postgraduate level at PUCESM, UPSE, UCE and UISEK; Accredited Researcher by Senescyt (REG-INV-19-03841); Engineering and Business Projects Manager of CAAPTES Group-Ecuador Group. Doctor in Industrial Engineering: Industrial Design and Production Technologies, Master in Industrial Engineering, mention Planning and Control of Production and Services, Master in Business Management Based on Quantitative Methods, Industrial Engineer and Commercial Engineer. Dedicated from the business sector to contribute to the strengthening of the innovation ecosystem through research work. 

Richard Edinson Muñoz-Bravo, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador


Currently a teacher and researcher at postgraduate level at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the Peninsula State University of Santa Elena; External trainer of the company DESCA S.A., on issues of Industrial Safety and Occupational Risk Prevention Certifications; Responsible for Occupational Safety and Health of the business group CORPETROLSA S.A.; Former responsible for Occupational Safety and Health in the Municipal Decentralized Autonomous Government of Canton La Libertad; Master in Integrated Management Systems; Industrial Engineer. Committed to participate in an integral way in planning teams, decision making and execution in organizations, achieving a profitable and sustainable development in Business Management Systems.

Ariel Bernardo González-Bazán, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador


Graduated from the State University Santa Elena Peninsula. Committed at a personal and professional level with academic excellence for research and technological advancement at provincial and national level. Interested in research related to industrial sustainability that prioritizes different and effective ways of working based on wastewater treatment with an engineering, renewable and innovative approach.

Paola Martina Pucha-Medina, Universidad Del Pacífico – Ecuador


Currently Research Professor at the School of Business and Economics of Universidad del Pacífico. Financial Management Manager of the Business Consulting Group CAAPTES-Ecuador; Accredited Researcher by Senescyt (REG-INV-20-04346). Doctor in Legal and Business Sciences, Master in Business Management Based on Quantitative Methods, Engineer in Finance. Dedicated from the business sector to contribute to the strengthening of the innovation ecosystem through work in national and international multidisciplinary teams. Additionally, she contributes in R+D+I processes, researching in lines related to Value and Risk Calculations in Investments; Quantitative Methods for Decision Making; Economics in Productive Sectors; among other areas, such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Finance


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