Analysis of shared possession of minor children in ecuadorian legislation
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The objective of this work is to support the inclusion of shared custody in the Code of Children and Adolescents, based on a theoretical and exegetical study, to obtain a greater materialization of the principle of the best interest of the child in the Ecuadorian legal system.
In this work, a descriptive research was carried out, in charge of analyzing all aspects related to the research. An advantage that can be analyzed in the present case is the strengthening of the family bond between the parents, since by having shared custody there is a greater relationship between the parents and the minor.
Although it is indicated that shared custody seeks to distribute responsibility between parents, maintaining a cordial relationship and being equally present in the daily activities of the child or adolescent, currently custody is purely the mother's, judges decide that the father only could have custody of a son or daughter when they turn 12 because they lack the power to decide or failing that when there is an agreement between the parents, however, today the figure of shared custody has been raised without any problem as long as When the social, economic, and other conditions of the parent seeking it are justified, in some way the right to equality is being sought.
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