Emotional intelligence of students through the use of play strategies

Main Article Content

Lina Jacqueline Olmos-Borja
Adriana Paulina Araujo-Reyes
Sonia Elizabeth Burgos-Tipán
Sandra Margoth Romero-Peña


The main theme of this research is the importance of emotional intelligence as a fundamental requirement for personal and social success, while highlighting the usefulness of recreational strategies as a fundamental tool to develop emotional intelligence in students and thus achieve a comprehensive development of the person in all areas. To meet this objective, we begin with a separate analysis of emotional intelligence and playful strategies. Subsequently, a detailed description of the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Playful Strategies is made, evidencing the need to include content in this regard both in teacher training and transversally in education at the school and university level.


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How to Cite
Olmos-Borja , L., Araujo-Reyes , A., Burgos-Tipán , S. ., & Romero-Peña , S. . (2024). Emotional intelligence of students through the use of play strategies. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(1-1), 163-172. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.1-1.2269
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Author Biographies

Lina Jacqueline Olmos-Borja , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

I am a person interested in the area of ​​psychology and education, concerned about the emotional and academic well-being of students. For this reason, my academic training and interest focus on a degree in Psychopedagogy. During my academic training, I carried out different research projects that have contributed to the development of the theoretical component. At the same time, I did internships in schools and centers specialized in attention to special educational needs, this has helped my training and motivated me to help students in their training. 

Adriana Paulina Araujo-Reyes , Universidad Tecnica de Ambato - Ecuador

I am a professional woman who has focused on social, cultural and educational issues; already I believe that young professionals have the great advantage of being opinion leaders and deliver this type of research to society so that it contributes to growth and 

development of it. 

My academic career began at the Technical University of Ambato where I completed the degree in Electronic Communications Engineering, after which in 2004 I enrolled and after two years completed a Master's Degree in Marketing at the same university. In 

In 2021 I managed to enter the master's program at the International University of Valencia in which I finished an Instesdisciplinary Master of Gender Violence and I am finally studying Law at the Indoamérica University. 

Sonia Elizabeth Burgos-Tipán , Universidad Tecnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Sonia Elizabeth Burgos Tipán graduated from the “Técnica de Ambato” University in the Faculty of Educational Sciences. I am a professional passionate about conducting research, I have focused on social and educational issues; already 

that I believe that professionals can contribute and 

deliver this type of research to society so that it contributes to the growth and 

development of it. 

I hereby state that this research work is the result of the author, who based on the results during his career, scientific research, documentary and field review, has reached the conclusions described in the Research. The ideas, opinions and comments expressed in this report are the exclusive responsibility of its author. 

Sandra Margoth Romero-Peña , Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE - Ecuador

I am Sandra Romero a person who works in education for more than 15 years I have been working as an English teacher with children, young and adult people, teaching is something that I really love it and is something that I do naturally. I always love to work with Educational tools. 

I got a master degree in Docencia Universitaria y Curriculo para la Educación Superior at Thecnical University of Ambato. English as a second language Diploma at Escuela Politecnica del ejercito. English and Tourism and Hospitality teacher. 


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