Play skills in the development of critical thinking

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Belen Monserrath Llerena-Garces
Segundo Víctor Hernández-Del Salto
Luzmila Amelia Torres-Chiliquinga
Humberto Ramiro Morales-Zuñiga


The present research deals with playful skills in the development of critical thinking, thus to the playful activity as that which can be performed in free time, its objective is to release tensions, get out of the daily routine and get some pleasure, fun and entertainment; the application of playful skills will facilitate the development of critical thinking in students, which will be reflected in school academic performance and the social environment where it develops.

The methodology applied in this research is qualitative since it is based on the collection of data obtained previously and can be analyzed in a way that allows a solution to the problem given in this case, resulting in the application of various strategies that can be applied and that allow the development of critical thinking, in addition to the students will improve their academic performance.

In such a way it is concluded that the Playful Skills play a very important role when it comes to arouse interest in children, they serve to start a class, to explain a new topic or to evaluate some acquired competence, taking into account that the interest of children in learning is a very fragile good, it is obtained very easily but it is also lost and then it is practically impossible to recover it since acquiring knowledge demands a great effort of will and that many times children do not know what is the purpose and reason for their learning.


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How to Cite
Llerena-Garces , B. ., Hernández-Del Salto , S. ., Torres-Chiliquinga , L., & Morales-Zuñiga , H. . (2024). Play skills in the development of critical thinking. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(1-1), 112-122.
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Author Biographies

Belen Monserrath Llerena-Garces , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Upon completing my high school studies, I was an escort of the institutional flag and obtained the unified high school degree. At the university, I carried out internships in the Guayaquil educational unit and in the Jerusalem educational unit in the city of Ambato and carried out a connection project at the Carlos Higher Technological Institute. Cisneros in the city of Riobamba.

Segundo Víctor Hernández-Del Salto , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education of the Technical University of Ambato, I have participated in different research projects for which I have around fifteen scientific articles in scopus and five regional articles in catalog 2.0 magazines, speaker at scientific conferences international and with a career of thirty-five years in the professional field. 

Luzmila Amelia Torres-Chiliquinga , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

I am Luzmila Amelia Torres Chiliquinga, a graduate of the "Técnica de Ambato" University, Faculty of Human Sciences and Education. I am a professional passionate about conducting scientific research to improve the living conditions of individuals. Therefore, I focus my studies on social and educational issues, as I believe that we professionals can contribute to the improvement of the lives of individuals. 

I believe that professionals can contribute and deliver this type of research to society.  

I believe that professionals can contribute and deliver this type of research to society so that it can contribute to the growth, improvement and development of society. 

I state for the record that this research work is the result of the author's work, based on the results gathered during the degree course, scientific research, documentary and field review, as well as the conclusions described in the research. The ideas, contributions and criteria expressed in this report are the sole responsibility of the author. 

Humberto Ramiro Morales-Zuñiga , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Master in Teaching and Curriculum for Higher Education, Master in Civil Engineering mention in Metallic Structures, Civil Engineer, Industrial Mechanic, Former professor FICM-UTA, Former professor FDDA-UTA, Former professor of Architecture-UTI, Former professor Latin American Institute-Ambato, Research and Study of the sources of stone materials from the quarries of the city of Ambato, Design and Construction of a vibrating table to simulate earthquakes, Development of scale models of structures in reinforced concrete and steel. 


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