Academic planning, a valuable tool for the quality of the teaching and learning processes in Torremar Bilingual School (UEBT)

Main Article Content

Yeimer Prieto-López
Mario Fabricio Ayala-Pazmiño
David Alberto Pacheco-Montoya


Academic planning is a critical tool in teaching and learning processes. It includes higher education processes that ensure that an educational institution follows a designated plan and meets vital objectives. The importance of academic planning is due to the influence and impact it has on students' learning results, besides being the basis and central axis of the educational teaching process.

Based on the characteristics of the new school and the aspects that involve the educational reform required to respond to the developmental needs of students in the current contemporary world, teachers need to avoid traditional practices and not teach content based on the improvisation of activities.

For educators, it is critical that academic planning is viewed as more than a simple administrative requirement needed by the Academic Coordination. It is a valuable instrument for the quality of the classes, where the students contribute to their learning as part of the Conceptual Framework of Teaching for Understanding [EpC acronym in Spanish], which we have applied in our Educational Institution for the past three years.

To provide a more throughout review of the benefits and relevance of academic planning for education, an investigation is provided in the following sections regarding the implementation within quality teaching and learning processes at Torremar Bilingual School [UEBT acronym in Spanish]. As such, the purpose of this study is to explore the sequences that lead to steps for academic planning to meat final goals. For this purpose, a review of relevant literature and a presentation of the critical stages of academic planning are presented.


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How to Cite
Prieto, Y., Ayala, M., & Pacheco, D. (2020). Academic planning, a valuable tool for the quality of the teaching and learning processes in Torremar Bilingual School (UEBT). 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(5-2), 29-35.
Author Biographies

Yeimer Prieto-López, Unidad Educativa Bilingüe Torremar / Universidad Espíritu Santo (UEES) - Ecuador


PhD Doctor in Educational Sciences. Bachelor’s degree in Education. Head Professor at the Espiritu Santo University (UEES, in its Spanish acronym) in the Faculty of Liberal Arts. Professor at the master’s degree in Educational Management at UEES. Teacher and academic auditor at The Bilingual School Torremar. He has participated in several national and international events as a speaker. He has publications in indexed magazines. He has worked for more than fifteen years as a university teacher and has had different responsibilities, such as director of the Doctoral Training at The University of Physical Culture and Sports of the City of Holguín. He has participated in more than twenty national and international conferences of Pedagogy, Education, and Didactics. He is the tutor of several doctoral theses at the Universidad del Rosario in Argentina. He has so far trained three Doctors of Science at the Court of Pedagogical Sciences in Cuba.

Mario Fabricio Ayala-Pazmiño, Unidad Educativa Bilingue Torremar - Ecuador


He has degrees in Computer Science, Business Administration, Education Sciences, and received his PhD in Education from the University of Melbourne in Melbourne, Australia, in 2018, with his highest concentration of study in foreign language teaching and learning, pedagogy, educational management, and higher education. He currently works for the Torremar Bilingual School in Guayaquil, Ecuador. He is an educator and has experience as an Academic Coordinator. His previous experience also includes working as head of the Humanities and Community and Service departments at the International British School in Quito, Ecuador. He was a professor at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, and at the University of the Americas (UDLA) in Quito, Ecuador. Dr. Ayala is a member of the Hispanic Studies Teachers Association at Monash University, Australia.

David Alberto Pacheco-Montoya, Unidad Educativa Bilingue Torremar - Ecuador


David Pacheco has a degree in education with a specialization in biology and chemistry, and master's degree in: academic directive management; agricultural biotechnology and; higher education, research and pedagogical innovations. He was a researcher at CIBE and professor at the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral. Since 2001 he has been a professor at the Unidad Educativa BilingüeTorremar and is currently the academic director.


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