Public policies from a gender perspective regarding women deprived of liberty. Strategies for their rehabilitation

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Elsa Susana Hachi-Caguana
Magda Francisca Cejas-Martinez


The article "Políticas públicas desde el enfoque de género en materia de mujeres privadas de libertad. Strategies for their rehabilitation" mentions the preponderance that public policies have on the needs of women with an emphasis on the Pastaza N.1 Mixed Provisional Detention Centre. The objective was to analyse current public policies aimed at women prisoners from a gender perspective, identifying strategies that promote a comprehensive, respectful, and equitable rehabilitation. The research was developed with a mixed approach, for which it was necessary to review specialised documented sources, considering both quantitative and qualitative research. The field research was generated through the application of a survey at the Centro de privación provisional de la libertad Mixto Pastaza N.1, the qualitative research was developed through hermeneutics. This research was able to identify those conditions that hinge on the prison environment for the design of rehabilitation programmes that reflect the specific needs of women, such as mental health and life skills, the creation of a safe and supportive prison environment, and the provision of ongoing services aimed at strengthening skills and competencies upon release, among other key aspects.  As a contribution of this research, it will emphasize the results that a gendered approach to rehabilitation can lead to more effective and humane strategies, underlining the importance of women's experiences in these policies. 


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How to Cite
Hachi-Caguana , E. ., & Cejas-Martinez , M. . (2024). Public policies from a gender perspective regarding women deprived of liberty. Strategies for their rehabilitation. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(1), 154-168.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Elsa Susana Hachi-Caguana , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Graduate in Accounting and Auditing, former official of the National Service of Integral Attention to Persons Deprived of Liberty and Adolescent Offenders. 

Magda Francisca Cejas-Martinez , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Degree in Industrial Relations. Master in Labour Administration. Master in Labour Sociology. Specialist in Human Resources Management. PhD. in Business Sciences and PhD. in Social Sciences. Research Professor at the National University of Chimborazo - Service Commission - and Professor at the University of the Armed Forces ESPE.  Currently teaching postgraduate courses at PUCE-Manabí. Areas of Knowledge: Administration, Methodology, Tourism. 


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