Artificial intelligence as a new alternative for marketing

Main Article Content

Clarkent Rubén Mackay-Castro
Ingrid Liz Muñoz-Feraud
Eva Leonor Medrano-Freire
Rubén Alberto Mackay-Véliz


Marketing is an integration of applied methodologies to achieve customer satisfaction based on their needs while meeting the expectations and objectives of the company. This important methodological tool has managed to influence consumers, thus allowing them to decide on one product or another, thanks to the manipulation of consumption patterns. This tool is part of the great business successes; it has been part of the great decisions of businessmen. These market research methodologies use a series of principles that are currently maintained, however they have been greatly modified thanks to the incorporation of information technologies, and more recently making use of Artificial Intelligence, itself which, among other benefits, allows predicting consumer behavior based on software which algorithms are designed to emulate human intellect and feed on information from the web to make market predictions. The objective of the research is to know the main implications of the use or incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in marketing. Through documentary-type research in which the main databases available on the web were consulted, and using Google Scholar as the main search engine, as well as the review of scientific journals related to the subject. It is concluded that new technologies represent a strategic alliance in market decision-making and implementation of new marketing methodologies applying artificial intelligence.


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How to Cite
Mackay-Castro, C. ., Muñoz-Feraud, I. ., Medrano-Freire, E. ., & Mackay-Véliz, R. . (2023). Artificial intelligence as a new alternative for marketing. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(6), 660-670.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Clarkent Rubén Mackay-Castro, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador


Ph.D Social Sciences mention management University of Zulia, Master in Business Administration from the Technological Business University of Guayaquil (UTEG), Commercial Engineer and Certified Public Accountant, University of Guayaquil. Professor of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the University of Guayaquil.

Ingrid Liz Muñoz-Feraud, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Ingrid Liz Muñoz Feraud, Magister in Higher Education, Specialist in Educational and Social Development Projects, and Lawyer of the Courts and Courts at the University of Guayaquil. Currently Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences of the University of Guayaquil, with 24 years of academic experience, researcher, thesis tutor and writer of scientific articles with social and legal approaches. With knowledge in the field of Public Administration, especially higher education institutions

Eva Leonor Medrano-Freire, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

A university teacher, she has a 22-year career with degrees obtained in Master's in Educational Management and Specialist in Educational Processes with honorable mention in her thesis from the Central University of Ecuador; Ph.D. candidate at the Rosario National University in Argentina, and also experience in scientific publications since 2015. Director of a local school, professor at the University of Guayaquil

Rubén Alberto Mackay-Véliz, Instituto Superior Universitario Bolivariano de Tecnología - Ecuador

Master in Business Administration from the Technological Business University of Guayaquil (UTEG), Certified Public Accountant, University of Milagro, Professor at the Bolivarian Technological Institute of Guayaquil. Partner-Manager of Consultants and Auditors Audimackay C. Ltda.


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