Community approach in the implementation of public health policy for HIV patients in Bolívar County

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Karen Gabriela Sánchez-San Andrés
Edith Josefina Liccioni


The fact that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and/or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are present worldwide and have not yet been completely eradicated, poses a major challenge to national and international governments, creating a situation of great concern. The objective of this study was to analyze public health policy in HIV patients in Bolívar County. For this, it was necessary to describe public policies to reveal the perceptions of HIV patients in Bolívar County, in such a way that the community is incorporated into the institutional perspective. The applied methodology had a qualitative paradigm with inductive and interpretative method. The technique applied was the interview. Two patients with HIV and five administrative staff for the control of the HIV program in Bolívar County were considered as study population. Because it was a small number, the total population was taken as a sample. As a result, many patients suffer discrimination due to misinformation about the disease in relation to their forms of contagion and life expectancy. However, the administrative staff tries to comply with all the most important national and international agreements on human rights that include the principles of equality and non-discrimination as pillars on which human rights are based. Despite this, community participation from the public and non-governmental organizations has evolved towards a gradual integration of community learning into a dynamic learning environment that is still under construction. 


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How to Cite
Sánchez-San Andrés , K., & Liccioni , E. . (2023). Community approach in the implementation of public health policy for HIV patients in Bolívar County. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3-1), 295-305.
Author Biographies

Karen Gabriela Sánchez-San Andrés , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador 0009-0001-7053-1048

Karen Gabriela Sánchez San Andrés, Student of the Master of Public Administration of the Catholic University Manabí Campus, Doctor by profession, Specialist in Health Promotion, leader of the District Management of Promotion, Intercultural Health and Equality. 

Edith Josefina Liccioni , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Edith Josefina Liccioni. PhD in Social Sciences, Mention Health and Society, MsC. In Labor Administration and Labor Relations, Specialist in University Management; Degree in Education, Guidance Mention from the University of Carabobo, Venezuela, Master in Emotional Education from the University of Barcelona Spain. Teacher and Researcher at the University of Carabobo, Venezuela. National University of Chimborazo and the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. Lecturer and speaker at different national and international universities. She is the author of several books and book chapters, she is the author of more than 80 articles published in indexed and high-impact journals. 


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