Territorial dynamics related to migration in the community of Chacalcay in the Cañar canton.

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Diego Vladimiro Sigüencia-Nivelo
Jorge Edwin Ormaza-Andrade
Yonimiler Castillo-Ortega


In recent decades, Ecuador has coexisted in an environment characterized by a huge economic crisis, which led to the decision to move Ecuadorians to countries such as the United States, Spain, Italy, among others; being the Cañar according to several investigations, the province with the largest number of migrants in order to seek a better standard of living. Under this context, the investigation starts from the main objective leading to analyze the consequences of migration in the local context of the Chacalcay parish and also the manuscript is oriented to establish how the migratory phenomenon has influenced the different social spheres in the community object of study. study. A quantitative, non-experimental and cross-sectional study is reflected, where surveys were carried out on 93 families with a specific data that the majority of households have at least one migrant, for which the statistical technique of the census was used. The results show that 41.9% have a family member abroad and the most common cause of migration is low income, and of these, 37.6% receive monthly remittances, which have helped improve the quality of life. reducing poverty, but it has triggered the loss of cultural identity in the area, and family fragmentation. It is concluded that the real causes that people have to make the decision to migrate are the economic situation, lack of sources of work and family reunification.


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How to Cite
Sigüencia-Nivelo, D., Ormaza-Andrade , J. ., & Castillo-Ortega , Y. (2023). Territorial dynamics related to migration in the community of Chacalcay in the Cañar canton. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(3-1), 757-771. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.3-1.1888
Author Biographies

Diego Vladimiro Sigüencia-Nivelo , Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Intercultural del cantón Cañar - Ecuador

Primary Studies Educational Unit Ezequiel Cárdenas Espinoza; secondary studies Educational Unit José Peralta; received as an Economist at The Catholic University Of Cuenca. 

He has held various public and private positions 

Currently zonal administrator of the Intercultural Municipality of the Cañar Canton.

Jorge Edwin Ormaza-Andrade , Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Business Engineer, Accountant, Auditor, Specialist in University Teaching, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Doctor in Social Sciences with a mention in Management from the University of Zulia - Venezuela, Full-time professor at the Catholic University of Cuenca, Academic Unit of Administration, Business Administration Career, reviewer of scientific articles in national and international magazines. 

Yonimiler Castillo-Ortega , Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Professor of Economics at the Catholic University of Cuenca and Coordinator of the Master's Program in Local Development at the same institution. His line of research is sustainable tourism and local development. He has been director of several research projects related to the aforementioned lines and several articles in journals of impact. 


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