Use of augmented reality as a tool to increase the visibility of the Yuquitos brand on Instagram in the city of Loja

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Andrea del Pilar Hidalgo-Barrazueta
Andrés José Cueva-Costales


This study focuses on analyzing the visibility of the brand "Yuquitos" on Instagram in the city of Loja, Ecuador. Relevant data on the use of Instagram in the country are presented, and its objective is focused on applying augmented reality (AR) as a marketing strategy to improve the visibility of the brand on Instagram and seeks to evaluate its impact by conducting surveys and evaluating metrics. Che company Yuguitos sedes to prevé the effectiveness of AR as a strategy to increase the visibility of its brand and improve engagement with consumers. 

The use of AR in Yuquitos brand Instagram posts has had a positive impact on the brand's visibility and engagement with its followers. The increase in the reach of posts and the number of impressions suggests that AR is an effective tool for attracting users' attention. In addition, the consumer survey indicated that most had a positive experience with AR filters, suggesting that this technology can be used to retain existing customers and attract new ones. 

This research carried out on the use of AR in Instagram posts has certain limitations, including a non-probabilistic sample and the geographical restriction determined in the city of Loja. In addition, it is important to consider that the use of this technology may require specialized technical skills. In general, the use of AR can be beneficial in improving a brand's online presence, but the costs and benefits of implementing it within a comprehensive marketing strategy should be carefully considered. For future research, it is suggested to expand the scope of the study at the national level, to determine the impact of the use of augmented reality technology on brand visibility and engagement. 


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How to Cite
Hidalgo-Barrazueta, A. ., & Cueva-Costales, A. . (2023). Use of augmented reality as a tool to increase the visibility of the Yuquitos brand on Instagram in the city of Loja . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3-1), 427-440.
Author Biographies

Andrea del Pilar Hidalgo-Barrazueta, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Graduated in Tourism Administration, with a degree and Diploma in Taxation graduated from the Private Technical University of Loja, and a Fourth Level Degree in Marketing with a mention in Digital Marketing from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.


Andrés José Cueva-Costales, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Master's degree in Information Systems from the University of Melbourne. With over 17 years of experience in the field of technology management, innovation, and entrepreneurship, he has managed departments and projects in technology management, innovation, and entrepreneurship in both public and private institutions. He is also a lecturer at PUCE Manabí Campus.


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