E-Commerce in Entrepreneurship

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Patricia de Lourdes León-Monar
Edgar Patricio Rivadeneira-Ramos
Fátima del Rocío Núñez-Aguiar
Paola Estefania Albán-Trujillo


Technological changes and the constant evolution of e-commerce are having a profound impact on the economy, on the one hand, in the way of doing business and, on the other, buying through an electronic platform or on the Internet. 

The main objective of this research is to identify the impact of e-commerce and trends faced by entrepreneurs in 2023, highlighting the adoption of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and automation to improve business efficiency and productivity, and the need to adopt more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. It also highlights the exponential growth of electronic commerce worldwide and its impact on entrepreneurship, an important tool for reaching a broader and more diverse audience. 

The methodology used was a documentary-type investigation, from secondary or documentary sources, from which the information base was obtained to consolidate concepts and ideas. The main results identified in terms of impact are lack of digital infrastructure; lack of consumer confidence in online transactions; lack of training in digital technology for small and medium-sized businesses; weak training attitude; inability to make decisions; lack of knowledge for the application of technological innovation. On the other hand, the main trends were detected, such as sustainable practices, public reach; decrease in hiring of personnel; new ways to satisfy customers; advanced systematization of data collection, data analysis and generation of metrics; immediate decision making; improvement of digital infrastructure and training for entrepreneurs; adaptations to the forms of financing; alliances with logistics intermediaries; a variety of digital marketing strategies; regulation and improvements in data security policies 


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How to Cite
León-Monar , P. de L., Rivadeneira-Ramos , E., Núñez-Aguiar , F. del R., & Albán-Trujillo , P. . (2023). E-Commerce in Entrepreneurship . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(4), 461-470. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.4.1829
Author Biographies

Patricia de Lourdes León-Monar , Universidad Estatal de Bolívar - Ecuador


Marketing Engineer with a Master's Degree in "Marketing Management and Customer Service" graduated from the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Provide my Professional services as an Advisor to DISPROTEXTIL S.A in the Commercial Unit, Marketing area, Teaching experience in the ACIBAG training center, National University of Chimborazo and Polytechnic School of Chimborazo. I currently work at the State University of Bolívar in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Business Management and Information Technology, Marketing Career in which he carried out teaching and administrative management activities. I have written scientific articles on customer service, brands, advertising, quality of education, teaching process, among others. 

Edgar Patricio Rivadeneira-Ramos , Universidad Estatal de Bolívar - Ecuador


Graduate in Computer Science from the State University of Bolívar, Master in Educational Management from the State University of Bolívar, Professional Master's Degree in New Technologies Applied to Education from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​to date student of the doctoral program in Systems Engineering and Informatics, professor at the State University of Bolívar. 

Fátima del Rocío Núñez-Aguiar , Universidad Estatal de Bolívar - Ecuador


I have 20 years of experience in teaching, he has participated in some representations by popular election, in addition he helped as director and academic peer of undergraduate and postgraduate research projects; as well as worked on two research projects as a researcher and director of the same. 

Paola Estefania Albán-Trujillo , Universidad Estatal de Bolívar - Ecuador


Paola Estefanía Albán Trujillo, I was born in Guaranda - Ecuador on July 6, 1988, graduated from the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo as a Marketing Engineer, Magister in Project Management at the Indoamérica Technological University. He carried out relevant seminars, courses and workshops of national and international significance. She worked as a teaching researcher, Public Relations, Sales Manager and Administrator. 


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