Basic functions: reading and writing in early childhood
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The process of reading and writing in children is essential, since it allows them to explore different knowledge, making the basic functions a very important element for the development of new learning, taking into account the aspects of the child's maturity that condition the level. readiness, the purpose of this research is to describe and identify how the areas of basic functions support literacy in school-age children, this work emphasized the qualitative approach with a descriptive level and is considered a type of review bibliographic, a compilation of articles was carried out where an exhaustive search and a deep analysis of them were carried out, the documentation was obtained from the Google academic database, Scielo, Redalyc, on the other hand, it was considered official documents of the Ministry of Education . From the documents analyzed, it is evident that the basic functions are a fundamental element to identify future complications in the literacy processes, the authors agree with the postulates issued by Piaget in which the 17 elements that are raised in it, must be worked from early ages, it is evident that the development of the child begins from birth and therefore the stimulative processes must begin from an early age, the same ones that must be evaluated at approximately 7 years of age; And, according to Piaget, they would be finishing the pre-operational stage where the 17 elements described in the present investigation allow, in the future, to have much more consolidated reading and writing skills, so it is necessary to articulate actions carried out by the teacher. and that they have clarity in the processes of application, assessment and remediation of the same.
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