Inclusive education "Carrying the Backpack Together model"

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Erolita Jexenia Casquete-Tamayo
Mariuxi Caicedo-Arroyo
José Alberto Sánchez-López


Educational inclusion in Ecuador has been presenting serious advances that have a full impact on the construction of a democratic and egalitarian society. In this sense, this project sought to broaden the horizons of inclusion by promoting interaction between common and special educational institutions. The objective of the project was that students of both modalities share enriching formative moments and that it also results in learning, all from the perspective of inclusion. The results showed that the students felt very comfortable sharing pleasant moments, feeling included and contained. Knowing what the mechanism of special schools is like was also another purpose pursued by the proposal. The results reflected that both modalities felt contained and obtained a lot of knowledge about each other and a pleasant interaction was achieved, contributing to the strengthening of educational inclusion.Key words: article template, author’s instructions, publish, state of the art.


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How to Cite
Casquete-Tamayo, E., Caicedo-Arroyo, M., & Sánchez-López, J. (2022). Inclusive education "Carrying the Backpack Together model". 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(6-2), 388-396.
Author Biographies

Erolita Jexenia Casquete-Tamayo, Unidad de Educación Especializada Guiomar Vera Ramirez - Ecuador


Teacher at the “Pierre de Teilhard de Chardin” Fiscal Educational Unit, “Alexander Flemi” Fiscal Educational Unit, “La Inmaculada” Catholic Educational Unit, “Daniel Comboni” Fiscal Educational Unit, “Presidente Roosevelt” Fiscal Educational Unit, Specialized Fiscal Educational Unit “ Nixon Raúl Aray Ortiz” Vice Chancellor

General coordinator. Winner of the best Innovative proposal at the Regional level. “Marimberas Classrooms”

Scholarship awarded by CLACSO "Challenges of Public Policies". Studies from the Catholic University of Ecuador-Bachelor of Education Sciences. Catholic University of Ecuador-Master in Educational Innovation. UAI-Rio Negro-Austral University-Doctoral student with Triple Degree in University Education. UAI University- Educar Association.- University Education Diploma in Neuroscience.

Mariuxi Caicedo-Arroyo, Unidad de Educación Especializada Guiomar Vera Ramirez - Ecuador


Teacher at Gaspar de Villarroel General Basic Education School, Guiomar Vera Ramirez Specialized Education Unit. Pedagogical coordinator of the middle basic sublevel.

Guiomar Vera Ramirez Specialized Education Unit. Pedagogical Vice Chancellor of the Specialized Education Unit Guiomar Vera Ramirez.

Studies carried out: Territorial Polytechnic University of Mérida Kleber Ramirez

Degree in educational administration. DON BOSCO Higher Pedagogical Institute

Technological level primary education teacher.

José Alberto Sánchez-López, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega - México


Professor of the bachelor's degree in administration for 10 years at a higher level, master's degree studies in administration, current doctoral student at UCI-Mexico, Prodep profile, leader of the academic body "Management and development of companies" with code ITSESCA-CA-2, certification in the competence standard EC0647 "Promote significant learning in Upper Secondary and Higher Education". Research related to issues of Corporate Social Responsibility, Digital Marketing, Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship.


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Clavijo Castillo, Ruth Germania, & Bautista-Cerro, María José. (2020). La educación inclusiva. Análisis y reflexiones en la educación superior ecuatoriana. ALTERIDAD. Revista de Educación, 15(1), 113-124.

García, E. G. (2009). Evolución de la Educación Especial: del modelo del déficit al modelo de la Escuela Inclusiva. In El largo camino hacia una educación inclusiva: la educación especial y social del siglo XIX a nuestros días: XV Coloquio de Historia de la Educación, Pamplona-Iruñea, 29, 30 de junio y 1 de julio de 2009 (pp. 429-440). Universidad Pública de Navarra.

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UNICEF (2014) Financiación de la educación inclusiva

Vicepresidencia de la República del Ecuador (2011) Ministerio de Educación módulo I Educación Inclusiva y Especial

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