Cryptocurrencies today: is it a profitable investment?

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Walter Javier Maldonado-de la Cruz
Layla Yasmina Viteri-Rade


The objective of this research is based on evaluating the state of cryptocurrencies today and the advantages or disadvantages that they have, in order to understand if the investment of cryptocurrencies is viable and profitable. All this through a non-experimental investigation, descriptive and cross-sectional because an investigation is carried out in a certain time, it is also quantitative because through the analysis carried out on the study population it is expected to have the expected results. The evolution of money and the growth of cryptocurrencies arise from the need to be able to have a more effective, fast and efficient means of exchange for transactions, although it is true that there are different types of money in the world, the idea is achieve globalization of a new monetary system that allows transactions to be generated at lower costs, and that said funds are not manipulated by the government or any financial entity. In conclusion, it is mentioned that, from the investment point of view, it is important to consider and evaluate that, the higher the profit, the greater the risk that the investment may not bear the expected results, however, this reason should not be impediment to not invest in a project that can generate profits. For Ecuador, since it is not legal as a currency, it is important to consider the rules and precautions to carry out any transaction, and that is that when making a transfer it is settled quickly compared to other traditional banking transactions, and with only having a computer With the internet or a cell phone, you can invest in cryptocurrencies, taking into account the possible risks.

Key words: cryptocurrency, investment, risk, transactions


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How to Cite
Maldonado-de la Cruz , W., & Viteri-Rade, L. . (2023). Cryptocurrencies today: is it a profitable investment? . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(2), 27-39.
Author Biographies

Walter Javier Maldonado-de la Cruz , Tecnológico Universitario EuroAmericano - Ecuador

He was born in Guayaquil on December 4, 1976. His third-level higher education was carried out at the University of Guayaquil, Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, with a degree in Computer Systems Engineering. Fourth level studies at the Metropolitan University. Master's in Educational Management. Academic Vice Chancellor of the EuroAmerican University Higher Technological Institute, teacher and researcher. He has conducted several seminars and courses in the areas of systems and education. Among his publications, the book “Hands that teach” stands out. 

Layla Yasmina Viteri-Rade, Tecnológico Universitario EuroAmericano - Ecuador

Born in Manabí, Calceta on September 21 of 1979, his higher studies of third level performed at the Technical University of Manabí, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economic (Portoviejo - Ecuador) title obtained: Commercial Engineer. Teacher in the area of Marketing and Administration at the Institute of Technology Euro-American University. Has Conducted different seminars and courses in the areas of Education, Marketing and Administration and publications of articles and books.


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