Study of indirect sanctions in Public Procurement, as a result of disqualification due to inconsistencies in the “Ecuadorian Added Value” declaration.

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Fernando Esteban Ordóñez-Carpio
Elizabeth Cristina Vega-Crespo


Through the development of this article, this topic will be analyzed: the possible judicial and administrative actions that would have at their disposal the suppliers of the State,  which have been sanctioned by the SERCOP (National Service of Public Procurement), with the suspension in the RUP (Single Registry of Suppliers), for having provided information or made an erroneous declaration with regard to its status as a domestic producer, within a public procurement procedure; but that, notwithstanding the application of that penalty and, precisely because of it, being blocked in the Public Procurement Portal, they are prevented from complying with obligations previously contracted, as in the case of the signing of contracts awarded in other public procurement processes, prior to taxation of the aforementioned sanction; and, as a result, are subject to a significantly higher penalty for a forced event that does not derive from their responsibility. The mechanisms to be used to achieve their rehabilitation in the National Public Procurement System, as well as compensation for damages unjustly caused will be outlined


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How to Cite
Ordóñez-Carpio, F., & Vega-Crespo, E. . (2022). Study of indirect sanctions in Public Procurement, as a result of disqualification due to inconsistencies in the “Ecuadorian Added Value” declaration. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-1), 405-421.
Author Biographies

Fernando Esteban Ordóñez-Carpio, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

  • Lawyer of the Courts of Justice of the Republic and Degree in Political and Social Sciences from the University of Cuenca. 
  • Master's in Computer Law with a mention in Electronic Commerce from the University of Cuenca. 

As a professional I have worked: 

  • Judicial officer. 
  • Secretary General Municipal Autonomous Government of Cuenca. 
  • Secretary of the Cantonal Council of Cuenca. 
  • Head of the Litigation Area of the Strategic Public Company Electricity Corporation of Ecuador CELEC EP. 
  • Legal Specialist CELEC SUR Business Unit 
  • Full Professor Catholic University of Cuenca 


Elizabeth Cristina Vega-Crespo , Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Academic training: 


  • Doctor of Jurisprudence and Lawyer of the Courts of Justice of Ecuador 


  • Tax Specialist 


  • Master in Tax Law 


  • Certified as Operator of the National Public Procurement System, in the role of: Legal Responsible, issued by the National Public Procurement Service - SERCOP (2018) 



  • Certified as Operator of the National Public Procurement System, issued by the National Public Procurement Service - SERCOP (2021) 



As a professional I have worked: 


  • As Legal Assistant Manager of the Municipal Public Company of Telecommunications, Potable Water, Sewerage and Sanitation of the Basin, ETAPA EP  


  • In the Strategic Public Company CELEC EP, I have held positions such as Legal Specialist, General Secretary in Charge and Head of Public Procurement 


  • I currently work as Legal Director at the Centrosur Regional Electric Company 



  • I permanently participate as a teacher and instructor in several Universities, Public and Private Institutions in the field of public procurement 



  • I am currently tutoring some scientific articles within the Master's Degree in Administrative Law with a Mention in Public Procurement at the Catholic University of Cuenca



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