The university consumer and his perception about the advertising campaign of the sustainable initiative Re-Nestlé

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Ariana Paola Herrera-Pérez
Yanary Emelina Carvallo-Monsalve
Karen Michel Serrano-Orellana
Sandy Jahaira Gonzaga-Añazco


Purpose: University students are a select group that is constantly researching changes in the consumer market. For this reason, in the present investigation, it has been arranged to study and analyze the perception of the university consumer about the advertising campaign of the Re Nestlé sustainable initiative. Design/Methodology: The first phase of the methodology is of an analytical nature, in which the sociocultural context and the state of the art are studied. The second section of the methodology is quantitative - descriptive, from a population of 166 students of the Business Administration career of the Metropolitan University - Machala Headquarters, the survey is used as a data collection instrument, in addition a probabilistic sample is used. systematic. Results: The results show that only 69% of those surveyed have sometimes seen the advertising campaigns of the Re Nestlé sustainable initiative and despite not having significant visibility, 79% of those surveyed consider that it undertakes sustainable actions. 44% of those surveyed indicate that during their purchases they do find brand products with biodegradable packaging. In addition, 75% would be willing to share the brand's campaign on their networks. At the framework level, only 22% of those surveyed consider that Ecuador is a country where its citizens are sensitized to sustainability. Originality/contribution: The research is characterized by being a pioneer in the study of the university consumer's perception of the advertising campaign of the Re Nestlé sustainable initiative.



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How to Cite
Herrera-Pérez, A., Carvallo-Monsalve, Y. ., Serrano-Orellana , K., & Gonzaga-Añazco, S. . (2022). The university consumer and his perception about the advertising campaign of the sustainable initiative Re-Nestlé . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(6-1), 116-130.
Author Biographies

Ariana Paola Herrera-Pérez, Universidad Metropolitana - Ecuador

Ariana Paola Herrera Pérez, Doctor in Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations from the Complutense University of Madrid, master’s in marketing and Commercial Management from the EAE Business School, Master in Internationalization of products and services from the José Camilo Cela University in Madrid and Economist with Mention in Business Management. Professor Metropolitan University. 

Yanary Emelina Carvallo-Monsalve , Universidad Metropolitana Sede Machala - Ecuador

Doctor in Advanced Management, Master Scientiarium in Administration, management and planning mention. Articles published in various magazines, participation in national and international congresses, under the line of research Administration, management and creation of companies as a result of the needs and problems of the economic and social context in Ecuador 

Karen Michel Serrano-Orellana , Universidad Metropolitana - Ecuador

Karen Michel Serrano Orellana, of Ecuadorian nationality, International Business Engineer from the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Master in Corporate Finance from the University of Valencia, works as Associate Professor 1 at the Metropolitan University, with professional experience in the public and private area 

Sandy Jahaira Gonzaga-Añazco, Universidad Metropolitana - Ecuador

Sandy Jahaira Gonzaga Añazco Sandy Jahaira Gonzaga Añazco, Commercial Engineer - University of Azuay, Master in Business Management - UTPL, Ph.D. student in Economic Sciences at the National University of Cuyo, Argentina. Assistant Research Professor II at the Metropolitan University of Machala. Publications in indexed journals. Speaker at National and International Conferences. Participant of the research project entitled: "Management of companies and interest groups towards sustainability from Corporate Social Responsibility". Member of the Ibero-American Environment Network (REIMA). Member of the Network of Teachers of Latin America and the Caribbean (RedDolac). 


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