Determining factors of the reputation of the city brand Quevedo.

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Rubén Neptalí Ávila-Peralta
César Augusto Lara-Ascuntar


Faced with the need to build their own identity, cities seek to be recognized as brands by promoting their assets, which determine their positioning and reputation. Through this study, the main factors that influence the reputation of the city brand "Quevedo" are determined. The research approach is quantitative with a descriptive exploratory level. The data collection technique used was the survey with questions addressed to the citizens of Quevedo where they indicate the importance of each of the determining factors of the city's reputation and the satisfaction with each of them. The main findings are that the reputation of the "Quevedo" brand has been negatively affected by insecurity in recent years and has had a negative economic and political impact. It was also identified that the main assets of the city are tourism, talent, business activity and infrastructure. Security is the factor with the highest rate of dissatisfaction followed by public administration. The research hypothesis is verified and it is determined that the high rates of insecurity in Quevedo have negatively affected the reputation of the city. To improve the city's reputation, the integration of internal managers involved in territorial identity is required.

Keywords: territorial identity, city brand, reputation, security.


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How to Cite
Ávila-Peralta, R. ., & Lara-Ascuntar, C. . (2022). Determining factors of the reputation of the city brand Quevedo. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-2), 126-137.
Author Biographies

Rubén Neptalí Ávila-Peralta, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Engineer in Marketing and International Trade, teacher of the master's program in Marketing, Digital Marketing mention, with experience in the design, implementation and evaluation of projects; strategic and operational marketing planning; co-author of several scientific publications on entrepreneurship and marketing. 

César Augusto Lara-Ascuntar, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Master in Business Management, MBA, National Polytechnic School, Master in Administration and Marketing, Indoamerica Technological University; Master in Education, Technological University of America, Business Engineer, Equinoctial Technological University; University professor at HEIs such as: PUCEM, UTPL, UTE, UNITA, UTI, ESPE, IAEN, Santiago de Guayaquil Catholic University, among others since 1997; Undergraduate and Postgraduate Professor in: Projects for Public Administration, Formulation and Evaluation of Projects, Direction and Strategic Management, Business Plans, Management in Entrepreneurship Training, Administration, Marketing and Market Research, Human Resources Administration, Pre-professional Practices . Direction of Thesis and Titling Works, Advisor and Academic Consultant of Institutions of Higher Education, for more than 25 years. External evaluator of CACES and CES, with some relevant publications. 


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