The Social Media Marketing Plan as a strategy to improve the brand positioning of an architectural design studio. Case: Design studio “Ar. Pamela Flores”

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Darío Alejandro Vaca-Paredes
Pablo Vidal-Fernández


Social Media Marketing is a trend on the rise, which allows new strategies to be designed that will help meet the objectives of organizations. Within the field of construction, specifically architectural design studios, a Social Media Marketing plan allows you to directly reach the customer segment through the use of social networks. The purpose of this work was to carry out a Social Media Marketing plan to improve the brand positioning of the design studio “Arq. Pamela Flores”. The study is of a mixed nature, for which surveys were carried out on the defined sample, as well as an interview with the owner of the study. The methodology of the proposed plan for this study was carried out based on 3 phases. Firstly, a diagnosis of the own Social Media and of the competition was made, then the audience and the buyer person were defined, later the social networks on which to work were selected, as well as the most suitable content and, finally, proposed a plan performance evaluation plan. It was concluded that there is a weak brand presence in social networks, as well as poor management of competition in the digital ecosystem, represent a business opportunity to generate competitive advantages through these channels (social networks) increasing the scope, notoriety and degree of influence. in the target audience. The next step will be to direct the strategy towards a sustainable increase in sales, accompanied by the development of a personal brand.

Keywords: social media marketing plan, social networks, social media, architecture and design, brand awareness


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How to Cite
Vaca-Paredes, D. ., & Vidal-Fernández, P. . (2022). The Social Media Marketing Plan as a strategy to improve the brand positioning of an architectural design studio. Case: Design studio “Ar. Pamela Flores”. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-2), 5-16.
Author Biographies

Darío Alejandro Vaca-Paredes, Pontificia Univesidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Agroindustrial Engineer, graduated from the National Polytechnic School. With experience in the public and private sector in the field of research, management, commercialization, marketing and sales. He is currently studying for a master's degree in Marketing and in professional practice in the same science, in Community Management. 

Pablo Vidal-Fernández, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí - Ecuador

Doctor in Communication Sciences from the Jaume I University of Castellón (Spain). 

Author of several indexed scientific articles and books reviewed by academic peers in the field of Digital Communication and Market Research. 

Senescyt Researcher: REG-INV-18-02084 


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