Telecommuting as a post-pandemic hiring trend, advantages, and disadvantages

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María Fernanda Becerra-Sarmiento
Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña


The purpose of this research is to determine if the advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting can influence it to become a hiring trend. The research was inductive to contrast teleworking and the face-to-face modality. A survey was applied to 88 public and private companies and NGOs in the four regions of Ecuador. Women outnumber men in telecommuting; however, men would like telecommuting more than women. Service and commercial companies applied telework to more than 50% of their employees. The advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting are the same worldwide. Nonetheless, in Latin America, there are no clear regulations or policies for teleworking, which generates disadvantages. In public companies, people with small children, disabilities, or remote jobs are candidates to be telecommuters. Telecommuting is the new hiring trend of the 21st century that provides savings and effectiveness, but to be successful, it must be accepted or requested by the employee and not imposed by the company.


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How to Cite
Becerra-Sarmiento, M., & Revelo-Oña, R. (2022). Telecommuting as a post-pandemic hiring trend, advantages, and disadvantages. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(5), 155-164.
Author Biographies

María Fernanda Becerra-Sarmiento, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Research Professor in Organizational Behavior and Human Talent Management. Administration Engineer with mention in Process Management, Master in Human Talent Management from the National Polytechnic School with Cum Laude distinction, Diploma in Teaching and Research with mention of Academic Excellence-Mexico, among other academic titles. He has participated in national and international presentations, has made various publications on the practice of Human Talent Management.

Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña, Universidad Central del Ecuador



Dr. in Humanities and Arts, mention in Education from the National University of Rosario, Master in Finance and Finance Engineer from the International University of Ecuador, Bachelor in Banking and Finance from the Central University of Ecuador, General Editor of the journal 593 Digital Publisher, member of the editorial board of the journal of Education Saberes Andantes de Fe y Alegría, President of the Research Network in Social Sciences and Humanities with the support of the Central University of Ecuador, Consultant and advisor to the Ministry of Education on issues of virtuality and the development of Financial Education, Consultant in Finance and business issues. Research Professor recognized by SENESCYT at the Universidad Central del Ecuador, work experience in the private and public fields.


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