Heating systems and solar energy: A systematic review

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Emily Doménica Gómez-Naranjo
Marco Vinicio Bermeo-García
Juan Carlos Muyulema-Allaica
Franklin Enrique Reyes-Soriano


Introduction. Solar thermal energy (STE) responsible for harnessing solar radiation to transform it into heat is one of the most encouraging forms of generation. Goal. Carry out an investigation through the systematic review of the literature (SRL) to answer the question that tells us: What are the most accurate methods for the development of an efficient heating system using solar energy? Methodology. Work was carried out based on the 3 phases of the SRL, which are planning, conducting and reviewing. The database was limited to a period of 6 years from January 1, 2016 to August 8, 2022. Results. The results determined that the best forms of heating are the use of concentrated STE. Lens-type Fresnel Solar Collectors (FSC) generate a variable efficiency of approximately 70%. Conclusions. It was concluded that the most efficient methods for heating water or steam generation are lens-type solar collectors with temperatures above 100°C and vacuum tube collectors with temperatures of approximately 120°C, however, it is known that Fresnel lenses vary depending on the amount of radiation in the environment, for this reason, they can reach temperatures of up to 600°C depending on the climatic conditions of the place.


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How to Cite
Gómez-Naranjo, E., Bermeo-García, M., Muyulema-Allaica, J., & Reyes-Soriano, F. (2022). Heating systems and solar energy: A systematic review . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-2), 507-520. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.4-2.1349
Author Biographies

Emily Doménica Gómez-Naranjo, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador


Emily Doménica Gómez Naranjo (1999). She graduated from the Santa Elena Peninsula State University (UPSE). She is committed on a personal and professional level to academic excellence in favor of research and technological progress at the national and provincial levels. Focused on research related to industrial sustainability that prioritizes different and effective ways of working based on solar energy applicable in all industries with an engineering, renewable and innovative approach.

Marco Vinicio Bermeo-García, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador


Profession Industrial Engineer, with a master's degree in Educational Management, from the State University of Bolivar, Diploma in Educational Management and Planning, Diploma in Pedagogy in Technical and Professional Education. I worked in the following companies: National Electricity Corporation CNEL EP, owner of the SENARMAR industrial workshop. Currently Professor of the Industrial Engineering Career at the Peninsula State University of Santa Elena, with 20 years of experience in university teaching.

Juan Carlos Muyulema-Allaica, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador


Currently Research Professor at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the State University Santa Elena Peninsula; Professor at Postgraduate level at PUCESM, UPSE, UCE, UISEK and UTEG; Accredited Researcher by Senescyt (REG-INV-19-03841); Former Manager of Engineering and Business Projects of the CAAPTES-Ecuador Group. Doctor in Industrial Engineering: Industrial Design and Production Technologies, Master in Industrial Engineering, mention Planning and Control of Production and Services, Master in Business Management Based on Quantitative Methods, Industrial Engineer and Commercial Engineer. Dedicated from the business sector to contribute to the strengthening of the innovation ecosystem through research work. 

Franklin Enrique Reyes-Soriano, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador


Profession Industrial engineer, with a master's degree in Integrated Management System from the University of Guayaquil, I worked in the following companies: DURAGAS, EMPECE, TUNLO, I am currently director of the Industrial Engineering Career at the Santa Elena Peninsula State University, with 20 years of experience in university teaching.


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