Review of methods for purification of wastewater derived from production processes

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Grace Kelly Pozo-Mera
Miguel Antonio Salvatierra-Barzola
Juan Carlos Muyulema-Allaica
Franklin Enrique Reyes-Soriano


Introduction. The processes focused on a linear production are characterized by the excessive consumption of natural resources, for which the current challenge of continuous improvement is the application of sustainable management systems that create a cyclical view of production in order to take advantage of resources usually discarded, this concept is taken to the use of wastewater and purification treatments prior to reuse. Objective. Identify the most effective method for wastewater treatment and find a relationship between production methods and wastewater generation. Methodology. Analyzes and reviews of the research sources of the last 7 years were carried out starting from January 1, 2015 to August 8, 2022, in which the systematic review of the literature (SRL) was used through search engines such as Sciencedirect, Scielo.Org, Dimensions and Dialnet, the inclusion and exclusion criteria were also used. Results. The relationship between the variables was established, demonstrating the need to implement treatment plants according to production, for which an analysis of the different treatments was carried out, such as biological, physical and physicochemical ones. Conclusions. Through the SRL, several purification methods were analyzed, from which it was concluded that physicochemical treatments are the most effective for the purification of wastewater generated in industries.


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How to Cite
Pozo-Mera, G., Salvatierra-Barzola, M., Muyulema-Allaica, J., & Reyes-Soriano, F. (2022). Review of methods for purification of wastewater derived from production processes . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-2), 496-506.
Author Biographies

Grace Kelly Pozo-Mera, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Grace Kelly Pozo Mera (1999). Graduated from the Industrial Engineering Career of the State University Santa Elena Peninsula. Interested in lines of research related to industrial design that allows a sustainable approach, focused on methods of recovery and reuse of water resources.

Miguel Antonio Salvatierra-Barzola, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Mechanical Engineer and Master in Engineering Sciences from the State Technical University of Astrakhan-Russia. Professional experience since 1987 in Ecuador in the company’s Maquinarias Henríquez C.A., Fadesa, Pinturas Cóndor S.A.; SIVASA and multinationals such as AGA DEL ECUADOR S.A and SIEMENS S.A. Training carried out abroad such as Europe, USA, Canada and in Latin America (Colombia, Peru and Venezuela). From April 2014 to the present, he works as a full-time Professor at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences (Civil and Industrial Engineering) of the State University Santa Elena Peninsula (La Libertad, Ecuador).

Juan Carlos Muyulema-Allaica, Centro de Investigación e Innovación de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Currently Research Professor at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the State University Santa Elena Peninsula; Professor at Postgraduate level at PUCESM, UPSE, UCE, UISEK and UTEG; Accredited Researcher by Senescyt (REG-INV-19-03841); Former Manager of Engineering and Business Projects of the CAAPTES-Ecuador Group. Doctor in Industrial Engineering: Industrial Design and Production Technologies, Master in Industrial Engineering, mention Planning and Control of Production and Services, Master in Business Management Based on Quantitative Methods, Industrial Engineer and Commercial Engineer. Dedicated from the business sector to contribute to the strengthening of the innovation ecosystem through research work. 

Franklin Enrique Reyes-Soriano, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Profession Industrial engineer, with a master's degree in Integrated Management System from the University of Guayaquil, I worked in the following companies: DURAGAS, EMPECE, TUNLO, I am currently director of the Industrial Engineering Career at the State University Santa Elena Peninsula, with 20 years of experience in university teaching.


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