Analysis of digital marketing in SMEs in the city of Machala. Study in times of COVID

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Rocio Anamileth Zambrano-Luna
María De Los Ángeles Figueroa-Celi
Norman Vinicio Mora-Sanchez
Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina


The research exposes the evaluation of digital marketing on the impact it has on strategic and financial performance through a statistical analysis in SPSS software, the objective of the research was based on studying through an investigative model the relational significance of the constructs under study, the research used a quantitative methodological structure with a correlational scope, with a sample of 230 SMEs from the city of Machala. As a result of the study, responses were obtained that differ from the hypotheses, thus understanding the behavior of digital marketing in business, the effects verify the assessment obtained by the constructs among themselves, unexpected assessments were obtained, concluding that the management of digital marketing is underdeveloped by small and medium enterprises in the city of Machala. 


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How to Cite
Zambrano-Luna, R. A., Figueroa-Celi, M. D. L. Ángeles ., Mora-Sanchez, N. V., & Pacheco-Molina, A. M. (2022). Analysis of digital marketing in SMEs in the city of Machala. Study in times of COVID. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(4-1), 165-178.
Author Biographies

Rocio Anamileth Zambrano-Luna, Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador



I am Anamileth Zambrano, a Business Administration student at the Technical University of Machala, I am currently finishing my studies to obtain my 3rd level degree in Commerce Engineering. I have attended expo, entrepreneurship fairs, conferences and courses related to my career; all this with the purpose of acquiring new knowledge for my profession in the future. 

María De Los Ángeles Figueroa-Celi, Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador



I am María Figueroa, a Business Administration student at the Technical University of Machala, I am currently finishing my studies to obtain my 3rd level degree. I have attended entrepreneurship fairs, congresses and courses related to my career; all this with the purpose of acquiring new knowledge for my profession in the future. 

Norman Vinicio Mora-Sanchez, Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador



PhD in Business Administration (UNMSM), 

Master of Business Administration (UTMACH), 

Commercial Engineer in Business Administration (UTMACH), 

Bachelor of Business Administration 

Chief Financial Administrative Officer of the Municipal Health Directorate GAD Machala (2001-2009) 

Manager in Charge of EMSA GAD Machala (2009) 

Former Coordinator of the UTMACH-MIPRO agreement (2014-2016), 

Former University Extension Coordinator (2008-2010), 

Professor at UTMACH since 1998 


Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina, Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador



Associate Professor 1 of the Technical University of Machala 

Co-Director and active participant of Research groups at UTMACH 

 Master in business administration and management - Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil (UTEG) 

Commercial Engineer - Technical University of Machala (UTMACH) 


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