Incidence of TIC in the collaborative learning of the subject of programming in students of the first semesters of the Science Pedagogy Career

Main Article Content

Isabel Narváez-Cumbal
Javier Guaña-Moya
Nelson Esteban Salgado-Reyes
Yamileth Andrea Arteaga-Alcívar


Currently there are optimal results regarding the use of technology and collaborative learning in the teaching-learning process, as in several countries in Latin America and Europe technologies have already been implemented in the educational process both at middle and high school level, resulting in students with a high degree of critical thinking, research and collaborative spirit, as these tools have contributed positively in their autonomous and meaningful learning.
as a result, students with a high degree of critical thinking, investigative and collaborative spirit, as these tools have contributed positively in their autonomous and meaningful learning. In this sense, the objective of this research is to evaluate the incidence of TIC in the Collaborative Learning of the subject of Programming in the students of the first semesters of the Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences and Computer Science Career. For this purpose, research with a qualitative-quantitative approach was developed where surveys were applied to students and interviews to teachers in charge of the programming subject, as well as technological tools such as blogs, virtual educational platform (Uvirtual), Padlet and the WhatsApp social network. As results, positive responses were obtained from the students when working in teams and making use of the aforementioned ICT tools for the construction of group learning. The respective analyses showed that the use of ICT tools to perform tasks in work teams contributes positively to the generation of effective collaborative learning by students.


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How to Cite
Narváez-Cumbal, I., Guaña-Moya, J., Salgado-Reyes, N., & Arteaga-Alcívar, Y. (2022). Incidence of TIC in the collaborative learning of the subject of programming in students of the first semesters of the Science Pedagogy Career. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4), 140-154.
Author Biographies

Isabel Narváez-Cumbal, Universidad Central del Ecuador


Third level degree in Computer Science and fourth level Master's degree in Learning Management mediated by ICT carried out at the Central University of Ecuador. I have also completed several training courses on learning in higher education.

From 2015 to the present I have carried out administrative activities at the Central University of Ecuador.

Javier Guaña-Moya, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Japón - Ecuador


Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science (Ph. D); Master in Connectivity and Telecommunications Networks; Master Degree in Distance Education Elearning; Master in Education; Specialist in Curriculum and Didactics; Diploma in Socio-educational Research; Engineer in Information Systems; Engineer in Electronics and Telematics; Expert in E-learning Process; Expert in Digital Media; and Expert in Electronic Commerce.


Nelson Esteban Salgado-Reyes, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Japón - Ecuador


Graduated as Computer Engineer in 1999, PhD within the Information and Communication Technologies Program (TINC) 2017. Since 2001 to date I work as a Senior Lecturer at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador and at the Universidad Central del Ecuador, specializing in Databases, Lines of interest: data modeling, software quality, TIC-assisted education.

Yamileth Andrea Arteaga-Alcívar, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Japón - Ecuador


Master in Public Policy (MSc) (c); Bachelor in Governance and Territoriality in Sectional Organizations; Expert in virtual education; Expert in electronic commerce; Accounting Assistant; Advisor for undergraduate and graduate Professional Projects: Government, Public Administration, Administrative Sciences; Human Resources; Education; Marketing; Trainer and Tutor in teaching and continuing education courses: 21st Century Teacher Training, Research Project Development, Research Methodologies, Strategies Methods and Techniques for Education, Writing Indexed Scientific Articles, Strategic Plan of an Ecommerce.


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