Use of social media marketing and engagement in universities in Machala

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Josselyn Nicole Mendia-Valarezo
Evelyn Andrea Morales-Padilla
Ana Elizabeth Moscoso-Parra


Social networks have become the most used means of communication by people to interact with each other, and if we speak at an educational level, it is more helpful today to report any type of content through these platforms. The present study analyzes the use of social media marketing and engagement among the universities of the city of Machala, in reference to which social networks are used, what type of content is uploaded in each of them, the level of interactions that they carry out followers through the application of formulas and metrics that will be used we can verify if the engagement is correct for each social network. The research is descriptive, with a qualitative approach applying the direct observation method, the variables used are social media marketing, use, tools, conceptual delimitation, type of content, engagement calculation. The results obtained show a low percentage in the Universities of Machala in terms of Facebook, unlike instagram, the Technical University of Machala (UTMACH) needs to work on content management, on the contrary, where the Metropolitan University (UMET), shows that it has with an optimal percentage of interaction with its users.


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How to Cite
Mendia-Valarezo, J., Morales-Padilla, E., & Moscoso-Parra, A. (2022). Use of social media marketing and engagement in universities in Machala. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(3), 230-243.
Author Biographies

Josselyn Nicole Mendia-Valarezo, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Student of the Technical University of Machala, in the eighth semester of the Marketing career, my learning and experience that I obtained in the course of this investigation is the use of social networks and interactions through observation for better management.

Evelyn Andrea Morales-Padilla, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Student of the Technical University of Machala in the Eighth Semester of the Marketing career. My learning and experience in this process is the importance of social networks today, even more so in companies, and we must keep control of them to have good engagement and training for people who visit social networks.

Ana Elizabeth Moscoso-Parra, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Teacher-researcher at the Technical University of Machala, Member of the COMARK research group. Degree in Graphic Design, Master in Business and Institutional Communication Management, Diploma in Marketing and Social Networks, Trainer of Trainers Certification, Certified Community Manager. Experience in university teaching since 2009 in the chairs of Advertising, Digital Marketing, Relational Marketing, Media Strategies and Promotional Marketing.


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