La The influence of digital marketing on the purchase decision of Etafashion consumers
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Given the digital evolution that the world has given in recent times, companies have changed their way of selling by applying digital marketing. Due to the pandemic, companies were forced to maintain zero contact with customers, where digital marketing grew in a large percentage worldwide, seeking to satisfy the needs of its consumers. The following article aims to determine the influence of digital marketing in the purchase decision process of consumers of the Etafashion company through quantitative research to diagnose the current situation around the application of digital marketing. The applied study has a quantitative approach with a sample of 384 Etafashion clients. The results were positive in response to the question posed in the study, demonstrating that if influence between digital marketing and the purchase decision process is observed in Etafashion consumers From this work, new research can be directed in other provinces, where The retail sector dynamizes the Ecuadorian economy, in order to study the purchasing decision process of consumers, not only in the local context and that can serve as a basis for digital marketing projects
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