Incidence of content marketing on the behavior of millennial consumers in supermarkets of Machala

Main Article Content

Maria Beatriz Cajo-Torres
Karla Viviana Mite-Córdova
Ana Elizabeth Moscoso-Parra


This article objective to analyze the impact of content marketing on Facebook on the behavior of millennial consumers of supermarkets in the city of Machala and the value perceived by this segment. The applied study is of mixed qualitative-quantitative approach, based on 3 methods: documentary review, mechanical and personal observation on Facebook of Supermaxi, Mi comisariato, Tía and Akí supermarkets; finally, the application of surveys with a non-probabilistic snowball sampling to a sample of 384 people out of a population of 129,969 people according to INEC of the January-March 2021 quarter of the economically active population (PEA) of the city of Machala. Among the results of the mechanical and personal observation, it was found that both fans and followers of supermarkets interact by sharing informative and entertaining content, in image and video format, in profiles with a high frequency of publications. The survey concluded that the brands that lead the indicators in terms of content marketing are those preferred by the millennial segment (Tía 35% and Mi comisariato 32%), and that promotional content (50%) and advertising (58.88%) have a significant influence on the purchase decision.  


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How to Cite
Cajo-Torres, M. ., Mite-Córdova , K. ., & Moscoso-Parra, A. . (2022). Incidence of content marketing on the behavior of millennial consumers in supermarkets of Machala . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(2), 132-148.
Author Biographies

Maria Beatriz Cajo-Torres, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


My name is María Beatriz Cajo Torres, I am a Marketing student at the Technical University of Machala, I am currently in the eighth semester. In terms of research, I have a published scientific article and one that is in the process of being published, as well as academic research.

Karla Viviana Mite-Córdova , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


My name is Karla Viviana Mite Cordova, I am a Marketing student at the Technical University of Machala, I am currently in the eighth semester. In the investigative I have developed academic research with primary and secondary sources, the writing for the development of scientific articles that I handle is satisfactory. 

Ana Elizabeth Moscoso-Parra, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Teacher-researcher at the Technical University of Machala, Member of the COMARK research group. Degree in Graphic Design, Master in Business and Institutional Communication Management, Diploma in Marketing and Social Networks, Trainer of Trainers Certification, Certified Community Manager. Experience in university teaching since 2009 in the chairs of Advertising, Digital Marketing, Relational Marketing and Media Strategies. 


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